🔴 Important 🔴

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Hey, party people, my groovy gang! First off, a mondo apology for the radio silence. I was like, totally off the grid, and guess what? Some sneaky ninja made off with my whole kit and caboodle - phone, laptop, the whole shebang. Lost all my contacts, and to add insult to injury, I totally blanked on my email and password for this account. But, hold onto your hats. After what felt like a gazillion years, I finally wrestled back my old number and managed to cobble things back together. Still, all my hard work's gone down the drain, and it's gonna take me a hot minute to get back on track. There are no guarantees on when the updates will roll in, but I'm dead set on wrapping up this story, I swear.

Now, I'm summoning all my creative mojo, but let's keep it real - updates might hit you like a surprise party popper. So hang tight, my awesome peeps. I know you guys get it, especially coming from a middle-class background - losing a laptop and phone at the same time is a real punch in the gut.

Anyway, now that I'm back, I'll bust my butt to keep you in the loop without making you wait forever. And before I ghost again, you'll be the first to know. On a brighter note, I'm absolutely over the moon that we've got more than 9k members in our besotted journey. A huge, warm welcome to each and every one of you in our wacky crew. Love you, family.

Now, come on, give me a follow, mates. It's not cool to adore the story and leave me hanging! I won't hold it against you, promise. Let's keep this connection alive and kicking! 🚀 Your support means the world! 🌟 Remember, we're in this loony storytelling adventure together! 📚

Love you guys , now go and follow as I won't be able to message you all personally about updates yarrrr.......

Besotted(Karna Sangini)Where stories live. Discover now