chapter 19

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It was lunchtime, and Krishna, Balram, and Karna entered the dining room. The ladies followed suit, ready to serve karna, but Karna politely declined their assistance, preferring to serve himself. Everyone agreed, and soon they were all seated, relishing their meal. Amidst the laughter, Kirthi's cheeks were rosy, and Karna's ears tinged with a hint of crimson, a clear sign of the sibling banter they were sharing. Devki wore a gentle smile, while Vasudev's face betrayed a certain tension. Karna's keen eyes didn't miss this detail.

Karna:" Maharaj Vasudev, you look worried, is their any problem?" His sentence dragged everyone's attention

Vasudev:" karna , I don't have any problem with Subhadra's marriage with duryodhan,  but Kirthi and Ahana both are elder then Subhadra and I just can't marry off Subhadra before her jeshtas " As he spoke, concern etched across Devki's face. She berated herself for not considering this earlier. Kirthi and Ahana were left in a state of shock and worry at the same time karna's heart started pounding just by hearing about Kirthi's marriage , Krishna smiles softly and thought "Now things are getting intriguing." while looking at kirthi, who was numb

Balram :" Baba , first let's talk with Bua Ghandhari about this, then we will think about this." All nodes

Karna:" Maharaj then I'll leave in an hour and inform kakashri about this then you all can talk about this " all nodes,  as they were done with their lunch kirthi was lost all the time same goes with karna and this didn't go unnoticed by dwarika family

After some time, karn left, and krishna went backyard in search of kirthi, and their she was deep in, though

Krishna: " jiji , what are you thinking?"

Kirthi's voice held a mix of wonder and uncertainty: "Khana, you and I both know who you truly are, and that you possess knowledge beyond measure. But the Mahabharata I've read or heard about is worlds apart from this reality. It's like an entirely different tale altogether—Karna as a prince, not a sut, Bhadre's heart swaying towards Duryodhan, not Arjun, the Pandavas not being deeply rooted in religion, while the Kauravas are. It's perplexing. And now, Bhadhr's marriage is in limbo because of Ahana and me. Is this a consequence of our presence in this yug, causing these alterations?" She poured out her thoughts to the Almighty, who simply looked at her with a gentle smile and said...

Krishna :" What you want to know jiji , about you being here or why the changes are occurring?, but remember can only tell you one thing at a time either about changes or about yourself, so what you want to know" He asked

Kirthi's plea was heartfelt, "Khanaaaa, please, don't keep me in the dark. If I don't understand why these changes are occurring, I'll never find peace. And if I'm left clueless about my purpose here, I'll be lost, not knowing what to do and what to avoid." She bared her soul, laying her struggles before the divine presence.

Krishna:"If you seek to unravel the mysteries of your existence, you must embark on that journey yourself. However, understanding the reasons behind these shifts will inevitably lead you to a deeper understanding of your own self." As he spoke, Kirthi's brow furrowed in contemplation, but eventually, she nodded in acknowledgment.

Kirthi:" ok, fine, I want to know about these changes," to which krishna smiles

Krishna opened a screen like a portal
PORTAL STARTS●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

Time of Mahabharata

In that solemn moment, as Karna lay on his deathbed, pierced by Arjuna's arrow, the weight of impending mortality hung heavily in the air. It was then that Queen Kunti revealed the truth that Karna was their long-lost brother. Karna's gaze fixed on Krishna, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips despite the pain. For the first time, Krishna felt an unrelenting ache in his heart at the sight of that smile, as if a thousand knives pierced his soul. Unable to bear it, he halted time, leaving only Karna and himself in a frozen world of suspended moments.

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