Chapter 4 Family

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Sigris POV

"Sigris,you, it's real?" A voice , unfamiliar to me called out. As i turned around to look who was it, it was a woman, clad in red outfit, with red gauntlet and boots. She has shoulder length hair and purple eyes, purple eyes. And Demon Mark on her head. yes Demon, but she looks strikingly like Zeldris and Meliodas.

'Is she?! let's check her Pl' I though before seeing her power level, which was 220,000!!! What is this!! WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE RIDICULOUS PL!

Seeing her power level i re-equipped my PDL armor again, jumping away 20 meters away. But she stepped forward and appeared in front of me before. gripping my shoulder enough to dent my armor before speaking.

"Deactivate your magic, or i'll crush this armor myself, " She said while narrowing her hands and even harsher gripping my armor, till i was forced on my knees. I had no other choice but to listen to her.

*Swish, light slowly enveloped me, and armor dissipated .

"AH! Wait, i'm not strong as you!" I shouted at her, as she continued to grip my shoulder as harshly before stopping.

"Hmm. You are right, you are weak." Replied Woman before enveloping me into bone crushing hug!

"Wait!! Who are you, and stop this ! You are crushing me!" I shouted at her, but she just lessened her hug but didn't let me go. When i take closer look at her. , she's at least 170 cm tall.

"Who are you?" I asked her, while still trying to get out of her hug.

"Well, i'm or rather was your mother in your past life." Proclaimed unknow woman, finally letting me go.

"Again, that nonsense about reincarnation..." I continued to fool around, it wouldn't be best  option for me if i just out of nowhere accepted it , i would be too suspicious . In other words i have to be actor.

"Can't you just forget i existed and move on?" I asked, with still small hope of getting out of this mess.

"No, and you will come with me, and take your rightful place by our side..." Stated Woman, before knocking me out. With punch.

"Seriou-" I couldn't finish my sentence before darkness overtakes me.

"Now, i can raise you like i was supposed too, you don't know how your death has shaken all of us. But i will make sure it won't happen again." Proclaimed Woman before slowly picking up Sigris in princess carry,

Some time later, Demon Realm

Royal Castle

In a room, a bedroom to be precise, is lying Sigris peacefully . But there are few key key difference . One he's in another outfit. A outfit which looks exactly like Estarossa's outfit as kid,  and Demon Mark on his head. Outfit is dark blue in color with weird symbols and armored boots.

AUTHOR NOTE: I had read Manga and watched anime, i still didn't read 4KOA  and i'm not planning to involve them in this fanfic at all. Most of you , readers, probably know what are difference between Mael and Estarossa, so in this fanfic i will treat them as two different characters when MC is referring to him/them, to avoid confusion. 

"Ahh man, what weird dream that must have been." I said out of habit before standing up from weird bed i was on. 'Wait! I don't remember my voice being so high-pitched...' Wait, why is my skin paler, why is my hair shoulder length, and why is it blonde, pale blonde?

"That was not dream..." I said, before finally deciding to look around this weird dark room. 'Okay, different outfit, similar to kid Estarossa.  Let's check my PL to confirm if this real or not.' I though before glancing at my chest,'

Reincarnated as Second brother of Meliodas!!Where stories live. Discover now