विराट प्रताप सिंह :- The Real Yuvraj

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My heart went numb. I left like I was hallucinating.

I know those brown eyes. Those curls are not knew for me. I have seen them from quiet a few times now. I know this seriousness. I know this confidence. I know this face.


But at bottom of the portrait, विराट प्रताप सिंह was engraved.

I couldn't understand should I cry or shout. Be happy or disappointed.

Kill him or kiss him.

How can he do this to me?

He had the ring, his confidence, his right on me.

I promise you will be the Maharani of Magadh

I blushed.

"I came to ask you that Yuvraj was in South. Right?"

" That was what he told me."

" What do you mean by that was what he told you? You should know where is he."

" How would I? I was in capital all this time."

" How can you not? He sent you in the capital. He would have told you more."

" He did not."

" Why didn't you ask?" 

" How can I question him? He is Yuvraj. Why would he tell me, a lowly life about his whereabouts? I am just one of many working for him and the kingdom."

" How does he look like?"

" Fine.. I guess"

' what kind of person he is?'

'....amm... nice..'

Then I remembered the horse ride back to the southern fort.


I asked him to sleep on floor while I was on the bed, asked him to stay away from me, disrespected him.

That night came in my memory when he was drunk. Oh goddhhhhh!!


Oh no.

What should I do now?

After thinking alot I decided to play dumb.

He doesn't know I know. Right?

I know nothing. (you read nothing. Okay)


Pratap is my husband. He was my husband. I was jumping in happiness.

I was my reflection in the mirror. My face was red, body was overwhelmed. I never saw myself this happy in a long time.

I was with my husband all this time. Oh my godddhhhh!

I want to meet him.

Should I go now?

But he would be sleeping.

So what?

I am his wife. I can go to his chambers whenever I wish to.


I took a shawl, wrapping in around me and walked out of my chambers.

Reaching his I directly entered his chambers. I am his wife after all.

My heart was beating so loud against my chest that if he was awake he would have heard it.

I walked close to his bed. He was lying their. His face was tensed.

All of the sudden I had an urge to touch his hairs, lost my finger in between those curls. Caress his face, touch those war scars and kiss those lip-


Go slow.

He doesn't know you know.

What do I know? I know nothing. Right?

My eyes watered with happiness finally looking at my husband. I left the room before I wake him up.


Too much to read!!!

I know ..

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