Chapter 32 On the Verge of Freedom

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

"W-wrong number," I stuttered, desperately trying to mask the panic in my voice.

"Really?" He asked, a smirk playing on his lips as he took a couple of steps closer, amusement evident in his eyes.

"Why are you in a pool of tears if it's a wrong number?" He interrogated, clearly not buying into my hastily constructed fib.

I remained silent, my trembling self and quivering lips refusing to spill the truth.

"Hmm?" he dragged, his patience wearing thin.

"I want the truth!" he growled, leaning down intimidatingly close.

I closed my eyes tightly before mustering the courage to answer, "M-my d-dad."

"He's coming?" he questioned, a hint of concern cutting through his tough demeanor.

I nodded, fear gnawing at me. "Yes."

I cautiously opened my eyes to meet his gaze, only to find complete disappointment and a look of betrayal etched across his face. His lips formed a firm thin line, and his eyes revealed a storm of conflicting emotions.

"After everything I've sacrificed for you, this is how you repay me?" he asked, a mix of anger and hurt in his voice.

I chose silence as my refuge, a momentary shield from the impending storm.

For now, that was the only thing that felt safe – silence.

The room hung in quiet tension, not a single sound disrupting the heavy atmosphere.

And then he shattered it.

"Tell me!" he roared, demanding the truth.

My eyes remained locked upon the ground, I had told my dad not to come.

Is it still my fault ?

"I-I just w-wanted t-to h-hear h-his v-voice," I stammered, desperately trying to explain.

"I hate you," he sneered, delivering those three words like a crushing blow.

A tear traced a lonely path down my cheek, and my heart shattered into a million pieces. The room felt heavy with the weight of unspoken pain.

He sat on the bed, tension radiating from every muscle in his body. Clenching and unclenching his jaw, he balled his hands into fists before standing up again. His movements were a symphony of turmoil.

Shaking his head, he spoke with determination, "I'm not gonna let him take you away from me."

Confusion etched my face as he continued, "You can't take a person who's mated, right?" He looked over at me, his eyes locking mine, leaving me wondering about the uncharted territory of his thoughts.

"Once we're mated, he can't take you away from me," he declared, taking slow, dangerous steps towards me, his eyes darkening.

I felt a sudden unease, prompting me to stand up slowly. I started backing away from him, unsure of his intentions.

"Don't back away from me," he growled, and in a mere second, he slammed me onto the wall, trapping me between the hard surface and his imposing presence. I tried to push against his chest, but he didn't budge.

He pinned my hands on either side of my head, and my fists clenched in frustration.

"N-No," I tried to struggle, but he held me firmly.

He looked directly into my pleading eyes, breathing heavily, his nose flared. "Why must it always be difficult for me because of you?" he questioned, the frustration evident in his voice.

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