Chapter 60 Pregnancy Test

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"What do you think he's conjuring up ?" Michelangelo asked.

"Gather our dad's and plan an attack ? But something tells me he's gonna take this in a whole new level." Devon answered.

"Dad!?" All of us shouted in unison. This was madness!

"How bout Lucifer?" I asked.

"He's clueless and I'm afraid he's gonna be a goner soon." He sighed running his fingers through his hair.

Jesus help us all.

Valentine Winters P.O.V

I got in the covers before Lucifer followed resting his head on the pillow and turned over to look at me.

Our eyes connected for a second before I broke it looking up at the ceiling. I was not sleepy at all.

I bit my lip.

"Could w-we play 20 questions ?" I suggested.

"Sure." He said before making me turn to my side to look at him with my waist.

"You go first." He told.

I thought about a question.

"What's your favourite c-colour?" I started.

"Chocolate brown like your eyes." He answered staring into my eyes.

"Whats yours ?"

"Black like your wolf." I said.

"How many girlfriends ?" I asked though I wasn't really interested to know but curiosity kills the cat right?

"10." He smirked and I gaped at him.

Seriously 10 ?

I turned the other side not wanting to look at him and I heard him chuckle. He thinks this is funny ?

He wrapped his right arm around my waist before pulling me closer to his chest. "Just 1." He whispered in my right ear.

The girl from that school named Red.

He thinks I'm jealous ?

"I didn't s-say anything, I had 15 boyfriends before I met y-you." I retorted and he growled tightening his hold on my waist,

"Names ?" He questioned.

I just kept silent. He cupped my jaw to turn my face and look at his eyes that were swirling with jealousy.

"Names." He asked again.

His eyes locked with mines before it flickered down onto my lips and repeated the action before leaning in.

His lips gently brushed against mines before grazing his teeth over them. He hovered over me, getting in between my thighs, grunting in the process.

"Lucifer." I warned.

" Hmm ?" He groaned sneaking his hands down the back of my thighs.

"Not today." I said.

He sighed before pulling away and laid back down beside me.

Three weeks later, I got up when I felt a bile coming up my throat as I quickly dashed over to the washroom and threw out whatever I had the night before.

"You okay ?" I heard Lucifer's worried voice on the other end of the washroom door knocking on it a couple of times. I don't like to be disturbed at this type of moments.

I washed my mouth and face before brushing my teeth, riding of the dreadful and revolting taste from my mouth.

I groaned disgusted and repulsed.

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