Chapter 14 Academic Alchemy

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

I sat on the shower tiles, letting the water spray over me, absorbing the weight of the moment. The realization hit me—I had come dangerously close to surrendering myself to him just moments ago.

It was a stark revelation of my own ignorance and foolishness. How could I have thought that someone as barbaric as him could love me? He was a hunter, inherently malicious, and I should have never relied on him.

Lesson learned: Never trust Lucifer Argent again.

I sighed, wiping my tears away with the back of my hands. My heart longed for a mate who would truly care for me, someone destined to understand the depths of my being rather than just the external surface.

I yearned for a future where I could lean on everlasting arms, a fairytale dream of being embraced by someone who could keep me protected and secure, a warm body shielding me from the cold. A life filled with pure love, contentment, and joy.

I envisioned someone who would utter those three simple yet powerful words to me—'I love you.' Someone who would accept me as I am, without constant rejection and dejection. I craved the feeling of being valued and desired, seeking a love that would stand the test of time.

Lucifer Argent P.O.V

The internal conflict echoed within me: why did doing the right thing feel so wrong, while the wrong decisions felt strangely right? It was a perplexing puzzle.

Being with her felt ethically sound, like finding the missing piece to a puzzle. However, leaving her felt like a monumental mistake, a confusing contradiction.

I recently lied to my dad about her whereabouts, claiming I had assassinated her. I expected him to believe my fabrication, but there lingered a sense of doubt in his expression as he left my room, muttering, "Proud."

The truth was, I didn't love her. I rejected her intentionally, but the question haunted me: Why did I marry her? I didn't even have a ring. It felt like I was a dog on a leash, and that man had an uncanny ability to control me.

Intrigued, I examined my mailbox attached from the outside, containing a mysterious letter. Ripping it open, I discovered a legal marital form and a simple gold ring inside. The letter, signed by Zades, revealed a sinister knowledge of my actions: 'I knew you would run away. Wear the wedding ring.'

The revelation left me wide-eyed, raising questions about the unseen forces at play and the tangled webs of deception and destiny that now surrounded me.

The ring, with 'Valentine Winters' intricately carved on it, felt like an unwelcome weight in my hands. Attempting to place it back in the box proved futile, as if an invisible force compelled me to wear it.

The prospect of wearing this ring to school unnerved me. How could I navigate the complexities of school life adorned with such a symbol? The groan of annoyance escaped me, echoing the turmoil within.

Valentine Winters P.O.V

The relentless knocking on my door revealed Alpha Zades, bearing instructions that left me dumbfounded. "Wear this ring. You'll be going to a new school tomorrow onwards," he declared before departing, leaving me holding a gold ring carved with the name Lucifer Zades.

Resigned, I reluctantly wore the ring.

The next day, as I entered my new school, I confronted an unexpected challenge at my locker. The password proved elusive, testing my patience until, finally, I unlocked it.

"What have we got here?" a voice sneered. I turned to face a girl with two friends in tow.

"Can I help you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She shook her head. "No but plastic surgery might help you." she retorted, her friends snickering in agreement. It seemed their sense of humor was as distorted as their understanding of identity.

I gaped at her. Seriously, on my first day itself ?

"Well, if I ever decide to go under the knife, I'll make sure to consult your mirror first. After all, it must be an expert on perfection!" I countered.

"Do you know who my boyfriend is?" she asked, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Should I?" I replied, unfazed.

Her gaze shifted to someone behind me, and she chuckled, warning, "You'll get it bad."

Curiosity piqued, I turned to face the approaching figure. As my eyes met his, a sense of dread washed over me.

There, standing in the hallway, was the last person I expected to encounter so soon—Lucifer Argent. 

Lucifer Argent.




Sorry for the wait guyz.

- Valentine Winters

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