Chapter 33 Heat

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

I was.

Somehow, I could feel him—his every movement sending shivers down my spine.

The way he rolled his hips onto me made me moan involuntarily, each sound escaping my lips a testament to the uncharted territory we were exploring.

I closed my eyes, overwhelmed by this new and unfamiliar sensation. This was something I had never experienced with Lucifer before; it was all strangely new, way too new for me to comprehend.

The scary part in all of this was that I actually liked it. I needed him so much, and that realization was frightening the life out of me.

A hot breath grazed my ear, and a command sliced through the air. "Look at me," he ordered.

I complied slowly, meeting his intense gaze as he pulled back, our eyes locking in a magnetic connection.

His eyes were pitch black, coated in lust and desire, reflecting the flames that were consuming both of us.

Our noses were nearly touching, the closeness igniting a primal urge within me. My fingers twitched, aching to touch him, but fear held me back.

Yet, my wolf wanted nothing more.

She yearned to fight, to take control of my body. She was hurting, and I couldn't understand why. I fought back, but she was stronger in this battle.

She won.

Now, I bet even my eyes were pitch black, a telltale sign that our wolves were taking control. My right hand reached out, fingers brushing the side of his left cheek, tracing the contours of his face down to his straight nose and finally to his pink, plump lips that I had just kissed.

I yearned to feel those lips on me again, everywhere on me. The thought danced in my mind, and I shook my head, trying to dismiss the provocative images that were forming.

How could I even think of something like that?

My gaze fixated on his tempting lips. Technically, it was my wolf doing the staring. I traced his lips with my fingers, and he responded by kissing my fingertips, making me gasp in surprise.

A smirk played on his lips, and I wanted to pull my hands away. I struggled to regain control, but my wolf had other plans. She craved something I wasn't ready to surrender.

She tightened our legs around his waist, sliding lower until we were just clothes away from each other's most intimate areas. He groaned at the sensation, and his breathing became increasingly ragged.

Terrified, I realized she was pushing boundaries, doing things that could get us in trouble, especially me.

Lucifer growled, a warning sign that things were escalating.

Oh god, he's angry.

I fought desperately, managing to regain control of my body. Hastily, I unwrapped my legs from around his hips and slid down onto the floor.

"Please don't hurt me; my wolf got out of control," I begged, closing my eyes and using my hands to shield myself—an epic failure of a useless technique.

I felt him grip my upper arm, pulling me back up onto my feet. But instead of releasing me, he threw me onto the bed and swiftly got on top of me. The tension in the room escalated, leaving an air of uncertainty hanging over us.

He straddled me, and his eyes, once pitch black with desire, returned to their beautiful blue hue. Leaning down, he buried his face in my neck, placing a soft kiss that sent shivers down my spine.

"I won't ever hurt you," he whispered, his words almost pained with the realization that my fear lingered, haunting the air between us.

His lips continued to explore my neck, a trail of kisses and nips reigniting the heat within my body. I tilted my head, willingly giving him more access to my neck, unable to resist the sensations he evoked.

A moan escaped my lips when he reached my mark, a reminder of his regret. Would he regret this too? Would he blame it on me again?

Attempting to regain control, I placed both my hands firmly on his chest, pushing against him. He growled, a warning that my efforts were in vain.

"Please, Lucifer, you don't want this. It's your wolf, and I don't want this," I pleaded, trying to inject reason into the escalating situation. The room hung in tension, the struggle between desire and restraint palpable.

"You're mine. All mine" he growled wrapping my left leg around his hip.

He placed his hand below my butt, pushing on them purposely to rub myself on his growing erection.

I knew he was getting hard and that sent my hormones off to a whole new level as I began to roll my hips again and again unconsciously on him moaning all the way.

Getting a reaction out of him, he pressed himself more against me.

"Please" I begged. I don't know why.

I wanted more.

I wanted all of him.

"I want you in me" I moaned into his ear, and he grunted.

"Fuck." He groaned.

Lucifer Zades P.O.V.

Her arousal was killing me.

'Give her what she wants, she wants us. she wants us buried deep within her, show her how much she can get out of us.' My wolf begged inserting pictures in my head.

I felt my dick throbbing at our closeness.

My hips aching to roll.

'She's ours, show her that's she's ours.' my wolf ordered.

I groaned.

'She's on heat.' My wolf growled possessively.

I'll be uploading way sooner! Cross my heart cause I'm on holidays! Yippie! Exam over!




-Valentine  Winters

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