Chapter 51 Evelyn Ra

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Recap :

"There's nothing to eat."

"M-make o-one."

"I don't know how to cook." I lied. I do know how to cook. I'm trying to have a share for her omelette. I know that is a bit hypocritical of me.

She just kept silent tuning other channels.

"Can I eat you ?" I asked with a smirk.

That made her stop munching.

Lilith Ra P.O.V



"Eve, is that you ?" I asked as I saw my little sister. Her dark long blonde hair cascading down her back till her waist.

A huge grin masked her face that reached her hazel eyes that has tints of emerald green in them looking up at me. Her sweet smile that always shows her pearly white teeth.

I ran up to her embracing her tightly. I really missed her.

"But how ? How did you escape ?" I asked looking at her.

"I didn't. Save me." She said suddenly frowning.

"What?" I asked completely confused.

"Save me sis." She cried.

Suddenly everything around me turned dark and she was being pulled away from me. "No!" I shouted running after her.



Please no.

"I'm scared." She lastly spoke in a whisper before I was dragged down on complete darkness. I felt heavy and a part of my stomach causes twinges of pain.

My sister. I need to find her.

I tried to open my eyes, but the light was too bright. I need to do this, I opened it again. My eyes started to water from the bright white light making my vision blurry.

Finally, my eyes adjusted and I looked around to see I was placed in a white room and a sleeping Gabriel at the corner.

I tried to open my mouth but no sound escaped. My throat felt so dry like a cactus was stuck there from the dessert.


I need water. I tried to reach for the water beside me with my hands but it was a little far. When my action started to make a lot of noises, Gabriel woke up.

He instantly stood up from his chair and walk towards me frantically taking the transparent jug and pouring the liquid into a glass and handing to me.

I tried sitting up first but the pain on my abdomen was becoming unbearable making me wince. Gabriel quickly put the glass down and help me sit up before handling the glass of water to me.

I gulped it down greedily not caring if I wasn't behaving lady like before passing the glass back to him asking for more.

He quickly poured into it and I gulped it down again, relishing into the feeling of liquid running down my throat easing the soreness.

Once I was satisfied, I kept the glass down on the table beside the bed. "I-I need to go." I said trying to get up from the bed.

"No." He said blocking my way and not having me move away from the bed. "Just please let me go, I need to go get my sister." I said partially annoyed that he wasn't letting me.

"I understand but you are not in the state to walk." He tried to reason.

"I don't care, you would never understand."

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