Chapter 22

316 14 42

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{The same night~~}

When San came back that night, he told Wooyoung could sleep with him on his own bed, not on the couch, outside.

It was past midnight now. Wooyoung could not sleep. He stared at San who was sleeping peacefully. Wooyoung frowned after a while.

Their beds directly face eachother, so that if they turn around, they would face eachother and on the otherside, there was wall. Between the beds there was a common small shelf. On top of that, there was a lamp. Same place, just above, there was a window. It was half opened which led some cold wind to come in.

Wooyoung POV:

Why... Just why you are so changed...San...? I questioned myself. Before that I used to scare you... embarrass you...make your heart race... But now... The tables seems to turn on me...

I sighed.

I have never felt so weak and vulnerable infront you, or when you are near me San... What are you doing to me?!

I sighed again.

From the moment I meet you, I was sort of drawn to you. I quite knew myself not as a top in a relationship... But never knew what is it like to be under someone, like to be a bottom ... It's like to be vulnerable...

I kept on thinking. This was- anything was not appealing to me in anyway. From the moment Hyunsuk was absent, you seem to change so drastically.

Then it hit me. Hyunsuk.

Is it because of Hyunsuk he's angry with me that he changed so much...? I don't know. Shall I ask San...? But I'm scared to death. What if he stabs me...?

What the actual heck is happening to me?! I was never this pathetic!!

I sighed again.

"Can't sleep...?" I jumped on my bed so hard that my bed squeaked from the impact. Still lying down.

"Uh--h..?" I stuttered badly as I saw his piercing icy gaze or perhaps glare at me. "Um.... N-no... I- actually I was up to drink water..." I spoke out as softly as possible. My heart was now racing in my chest. I heard San leaving a soft breath in response.

"Then go, get it." I quickly nodded and got up on my bed and swung my legs on the side of my bed. I sighed out heavily and got up from my bed. It was never my intention to go for water. But obviously had to play along.

Rotating the door knob, swung it open and went out, towards the kitchen. Took a glass and filled it with water and slightly drunk it.


Suddenly lights were turned on. Panic consumed me. I exactly knew who this might be. San.

Slowly turning around I was meet with an intimidating pair of eyes. Piercing through my soul. I froze on my spot. As if saw a ghost or demon. He was perhaps a demon. Indeed.

Gulping down hard I kept away the glass. My hands shaking badly. Not only my hand, my knees were incredibly weak now, as if I would collapse anytime now. And to add to my horror, San started to walk towards me, his fist close, not tightly though.

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