Chapter 46

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"Mingi?" he called out softly. "Something's wrong, isn't it?" Wooyoung said in a very soft tone.

Mingi kept looking down.

Wooyoung slowly took a few steps towards him. He was worried about his friend now. Mingi didn't move from his spot and kept breathing heavily.

"Mingi! Say something, I'm worried..."

As Wooyoung was about to touch the other on his shoulder, Mingi immediately grasped the other by his wrist.

Wooyoung was startled.

"It...was.... you." Mingi uttered in a very low and heart shaking deep voice.

Wooyoung froze. All his blood in his circulatory system ran cold. His face turned pale, heartbeat accelerated.

Mingi slowly moved his head upwards and made eye contact with Wooyoung, who couldn't hold it much longer.


Before Wooyoung could say anything more, he was punched harshly on the face, making him fall on the ground.

"HOW COULD YOU DO IT?!" Mingi yelled at the top of his voice.

"Mingi, w-wait..."

Without wasting another second Mingi kiched the other in stomach.

"URG!!" Wooyoung yelled out of pain.

"YOU HURTED YUNHO!!!" Mingi kept yelling.

Wooyoung tried to support his body up as he kept backing up his body, trying to get far away from Mingi as much as possible.

Mingi immediately held the other by his collars and dragged him up to stand.

"WHAT DID YUNHO DO TO YOU?!" Mingi yelled at his face.

Wooyoung kept quiet.

Unable to hold himself anymore, Mingi again punched Wooyoung, harshly.

And kept punching.

"You're hate for San increased so much that you!!!" Mingi paused, "You started to hurt everyone around you! Bastard!!"

"M-Mingi...I'm so-"

"Just shut up!! No one wants to hear your voice!!"

Mingi held the other's collar andade him stand against a wall and again crashed a punch on his face.

Wooyoung just let it go, he didn't defend himself anymore. His eyes were half closed. His face was completely covered in blood, his own blood.

Mingi's fist was now, also covered in blood.

"Why did you hurt Yunho?!" Mingi kept yelling.

"Answer me you m**herf**ker!!!" Mingi kept swearing and punching.

By now, Wooyoung is half unconscious.

"You know what?! You! Do not deserve to live!!!" Mingi yelled very loudly, voice almost breaking.

Wooyoung's whole life flashed before his eyes as he took his last breath and slowly closed his eyes...

...whispering one last thing to himself-

"I'm sorry...San..."



As I was nearing, I immediately heard Mingi's swearings and punches.
I rushed into the room only to see Wooyoung's further bloodier face. Mingi was pinning him to the wall by his collars. His fists were covered with Wooyoung's blood.

Mingi was about to again punch Wooyoung but was immediately stopped by San.

"Stop it Mingi!!" I yelled.

Mingi jerked his hand off to get rid of me, but I kept my grip.

"San let go! You have no right to save this bastard from me! Not after what he did to Yunho!!" Mingi shouted at my face.

"I know what he did to Yunho! And I have already beaten him enough!! Now stop!!" I yelled in a deep yet loud voice.

Mingi was still for a moment. He kept glaring at Wooyoung who just stared at the other, emotionlessly. After what felt like an eternity, Mingi finally dropped him arm. I slowly removed my grip from his arm.

I definitely shouldn't have done that... Cause after letting myself lose control over him, Mingi harshly punched Wooyoung. From the impact, Wooyoung fell on the ground and without wasting a second, Mingi started to kick him mercilessly.

"H-Hey!! MINGI!! STOP IT!!!" I yelled, trying my best to get in between them to stop Mingi. It was a complete failure.

"MINGI FUCKING STOP IT!!" it was as if Mingi was deaf.

I pulled him back by his arm to get him out of range from kicking Wooyoung who was now lying down on the ground, holding his gut and whimpering from intense pain. The scene was heartbreaking. Even for me.

Mingi was still struggling against me to get rid of my grip from his upper arm. He was successful.


Suddenly Yunho's loud voice echoed throughout the room. Both me and Mingi halted our actions.

"S-stop it... S-Stop i-it... Please ..." Yunho's voice broke as he slowly fell on his knees.

Seeing this, Mingi stopped, completely frozen.

"Please... Stop it...Mingi..." Yunho said, voice broke at the end as he uttered Mingi's name.

Mingi slowly walked towards Yunho and kneeled in front of him. Yunho immediately hugged him.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt a-anymore... please..." Yunho said, tearing now appearing in his eyes.

Mingi slowly nodded and he softly glideded his palm on the other's hair. "Let's go..." Mingi said. He got up, not before glancing at Wooyoung's injured body one last time. Eyes only full of hatred and disgust for the other. They went away, leaving just me and Wooyoung alone.

Seeing him like that, in pain, ached my heart. I really don't know why. I should be angry, but somehow, my anger is replaced with sympathy and sadness. I am confused about my own emotions.

I slowly and steadily approached Wooyoung.


As soon as I was about to touch him, he cowered away. Getting up on his knees, he got up and ran out the room. I could still hear him sobbing as he disappeared out of my sight.

I unconsciously got down to my knees. Somehow I felt broken. Somewhere I felt lost...

"Hey!! San!!" I tried to call out my second personality. "San!!!"

No reply. No response. Nothing.

"Oh yes, you vowed not to talk to me, yeah!!" I said sarcastically and laughed bitterly for a short time.

I felt heartbroken.

I felt sad.

And this was the moment I realised, I was indeed too harsh on him this morning.... I have broken him... I bacame into the person I hated... I became a...bully?

What am I now supposed to do?! How am I supposed to make it up for Wooyoung?!



Hey! I'm sorry guys for the late update...

Things are going really bad for me lately.
I've got only 2 months before my national exam... ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

Updates are gonna be late...sorry... ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

Love you all~~~

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