Chapter 56

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Kai's POV:

Urgh! This son of a bitch has the guts to punch me?! ME?!


You'll regret it! I swear!

"San! Let's go!" Wooyoung yelled as he took that guy's hand and ran away.

San? Uh! I'll get to you soon!

I too ran in the other direction to get away from the chaos. Soon I was walking down the hallways. There was a notice board with the names of the students of our class.

I paused for a second and quickly started to search for 'San'.

"Choi San... Huh!" I found it.

I definitely need to know more about this guy to figure out his weak spots.

I continued to walk down the hallways. I stopped immediately as I read the room's name beside me.

"Security room...? Means... CCTVs and more? Well, it's intriguing!" without thinking further I entered the room, closing it behind me and locking it.

I sat on the rocking chair and made myself comfortable before diving into the footage.

"Hmm...what should I watch...?" I asked myself in a dramatic manner.

Choi San.

Yes! When can I get such an opportunity to learn more bout this annoying guy?! Huh!

I searched for some videos related to my new classroom.

Pressing the backspace, the reversed to footage to go to the past videos more and more...

And more... And mo-

"What's that?! A class fight? Damn!" I laughed.

But immediately halted when I saw what actually happened next. That's San?!

My mouth was hanging wide open as I saw him punching a bunch of students, around 6 to 7 within a few minutes. But...

What's he actually doing? Whose he talking to in the middle of the fights? There's no one, more glass windows. The heck?!

"Hang on a fucking second!" I rewinded the video and played it from the beginning.

"Okayyyy so, the guys entered with a girl, San got up, spoke a bunch of nonsense, the guys surrounded him and-" I paused the video.

The heck? He's suddenly scared? And again! There's no one in the direction he's talking! Only glass windows! Only his fucking reflection!

"The actual heck is going on in this college?!"

I tried searching for some older videos. "Ah! There!"

I spotted Wooyoung! He entered the classroom, fully confident and damn attractive.

Urgh! There we go again, San's also here.

Is he in love with his reflection?! Half the time I spotted him, only staring at his reflection!

Wait up...! Hang on a second!

He's talking to his reflection?! Huh! Weirdo!

I mean I too talk to my reflection, but it's like a self talk, and I do it privately in my house.

He's talking to it like... Like he's talking to someone. Someone completely different.

Maybe he's just tired? He looks like he is. His posture is very sluggish. And-

"The heck?!" I almost got off my seat.

He's now... different. His posture, his body language and every other thing is different. How?!

My attention shifted towards Wooyoung who came and stood beside San and gave him a glare sort of. San returned it.

"Hmm.... interesting..." I again made himself comfortable on the chair.

Wooyoung sat behind San and kind of continued to kick his seat, to annoy San. They sure were rivals.

San gave Wooyoung a firm glare and said something to him, maybe to stop...? Wait, Wooyoung really stopped?

"Huh! San is really that controlling huh?" I raised a brow.

Urgh! I'm so damn confused right now. Gotta see some more videos. I rewinded it further backwards, a few months ago perhaps. And stopped.

There's San, sitting, enjoying his studies, so boring! Wooyoung entered with some of his friends and a few seniors.

"Hmm... So he's kind of a bully back then- I mean it's not that long ago though but he's not a bull now, definitely not." I continued to watch.

Wooyoung just did all those things a typical bully would, I skipped it.

San just sat there, kind of scared of Wooyoung.

"He was so timid...? Really?" I couldn't help myself but wonder.

Anyways, I just fast-forwarded it.

"Waoooww! Hang onnn! Is that Wooyoung kissing San?!" I kind of yelled this time.

"Shit...!" my eyes were literally about to pop out of my eye socket.

I researched the whole scene to understand it properly. Damn! They had a fight!

San's full mouth was covered with his own blood, which was insanely disgusting.

Re watching a few more videos from my classroom, I was that Wooyoung kind of used to beat San frequently.

To be honest, getting to see San getting beaten up by Wooyoung kind of made my ego burn with pride. Wooyoung and I are so similar!

"What's he searching for...?" it was a video of San searching for some in his backpack and locker. "Hmmm...." this is confusing. No wait! This whole person is confusing!

And to add more to my confusion, San frequently talked to his reflection even in the cafeteria, through his fucking spoon! Urgh! This guy!


Something is serious off with this guy! With one night, his attitude, his body language, in fact his full personality changed!

"Hmm...." I sighed as I thought about something.

I starred at the tv, at San. This confusing person with a more confusing persona.

I slid backwards and did a few 360° rounds on the chair I was sitting in.

"Hang on!" I abruptly stopped. "Is this what I'm thinking...?"

I got up from the chair, gulping in my thoughts and theories.

"Oh my god, this is so damn messed up! Huh!" I scoffed, an evil smirk spread on my face.

"I think I might have some clues about what's going on with him~" I smirked.

I started to feel powerfull. San's gonna die!~

"Holy cow!" I continued to laugh.



Yunho was sitting in the classroom, tensed, eating his nails.

Yunho was the one who called Hyunsuk and told him everything that happened in the cafeteria.

"God...I'm tensed..." he whispered to himself.

"Wooyoung doesn't know a thing, what if he thinks that San is a bad guy? San turned into someone like him...?" Yunho continued to worry.

"Hey! Everything's alright?" Mingi asked, snapping Yunho out of his thoughts.

"Y-Yeah. Absolutely...!" Yunho fake smiled.


Aish! I'm so damn tired and sleepy right now!

But here's another chapter! Sorry, recently my chapters are short!

Love you all~~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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