Chapter 44

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"With whom were you talking to?!" Yunho crossed his arms on his chest, waiting for an answer.

San visibly gulped hard. He was now sweating.

"Um...I...wa-was.... talking to someone on the... phone...!" San immediately made up a lie.

Yunho raised a brow, evidently not ready to accept that as excuse.

"Oh really?!" Yunho cross examined.

San nodded at a high velocity. He slightly glanced at the mirror. He saw San just staring at Yunho expressionlessly. Somewhere he too felt sympathy for Yunho.

"Alright! Then where's your phone?! Show me!" Yunho demanded with a stern voice.

"A-alright... As you s-say..." San stuttered in awkwardness.

With that he frantically searched for his phone in his pocket. To his horror, his phone wasn't in his pockets. He stopped his actions, just to look at Yunho.

"Where? Did you find it?" Yunho enquired in a sarcastic way.
San just gulped and swiftly rubbed off a steam of sweat.

"You didn't!" Yunho walked to the bag that was laying down on the floor, beside the sink. "Cause it's in here!" Yunho picked up the bag, San's bag and pulled out the phone.

"I've been trying to contact you for, what felt like, an hour or so?!" Yunho said in an angry tone, raising his voice.

San was now in a very tight situation.

"I- um...." San was at loss of words. Yunho just kept staring at him with a serious expression.

"So tell who were you arguing or talking to?!" Yunho almost yelled. San flinched at that stern tone.

He slowly glanced at the mirror to his side to see San's expression. San was too staring at him.

"I won't tell you to do anything from now on..." San said, tone was very soft and depressed.

"It's your life...after all..." it was the last thing San spoke before disappearing, leaving the original reflection.

"San! I guess I asked you a question!" Yunho said in an angry tone.

San took a very deep breath and sighed. He closed his eyes as he gathered all his thoughts and emotions.

"I...-" San gave a small pause.

" was my second personality, my alter ego..."



Yunho and San was sitting inside a cafe, close by the college. The same cafe where Hyunsuk had brought him for the first time they met. San still felt very bad for Hyunsuk, still misses him.

Right now, San has ordered a normal two cups of coffee. Yunho was still processing all those information San was giving. It was massive. It was so messy and a bit disturbing that Yunho's head too hurted as he tried to put himself in the other's shoes.

It was heartbreaking and devastating.

"B-but... How could you not tell me all these?..." Yunho asked, eye brows crooked.

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