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*3rd Person POV*


A figure was seen groaning under a Sakura Tree. She was holding her head in her hands and seemed to be panicking.

People who were walking in front of the Tree were looking at her weirdly but she didn't seem to mind that. She looked... confused. No, more like suprised?

*Your POV*

"whatthefuck whatthefuck whatthefuck."

I repeated these words in my mind.
There was no way i was in Inazuma right now. What does all this mean? Wait...

Did i die? Oh god. My mother and my father... My siblings too... But how did i even die? I don't really remember my last moments.

All i remember is that i was shaking and then- wait, shaking?

'...It was an Earthquake then.' but that doesn't explain why am i here. Is it a dream? YEAH!

'I MUST BE DREAMING! Yeah that's it. That MUST be it. Nothing bad happened. It's just a dream.'

Maybe if i repeat this too much, this dream will end , surely right..?

Like, it's really low possibility i was isekai'd. Come on. These only happen in Wattpad stories. We ain't in one right now.


We aren't... right? 😨

'Ok [Name], get a hold of yourself and try to observe the situation.'

Firstly, i looked around. I'd guess i am in Inazuma according to the scenery, but something doesn't add up. It looks... different?

Yeah. It definitly does look different. The landscape, the city, even the NPC 's aren't the same as the game!

But how? By any possibility, am i in the past? Before Khaneri'ah's fall?

That means Makoto hasn't died yet. Neither did Ei created the 'Puppet' Kunikuzushi. In other words, 'Scaramouche'.

If my theory is true, then i must find a way to prevent some things from happening.



Come on, don't give me that look! I want to save some characters too okay? Like Ei's friends! They are gorgeous! How could Hoyoverse just kill them off?!

But it won't be easy as i think. Ei is an Archon after all. I can't just go to her and be like "Hello I'm [Name] wanna be friends?" She would just finish me off. (Probably)

Before trying to befriend her, i must find a way to survive. I don't have any Mora or any weapons on me. Come to think of it, does Primogems exist in here? If they do, then what am i gonna use them for?

'Is it even possible to pull for characters here?'

As i was thinking, i felt a buzz from my pocket. 'My phone?!'

I have my phone, yes!! Let's see if i can do anything with it.

'There doesn't seem to be any internet connection but i can use it perfectly? Whatever, it works for me either way.'

I logged into Genshin and immediately saw that all my artifacts and weapons were gone! My mora and primogems too! Seriously?! DID I SAVE THAT MUCH PRIMOGEM FOR NOTHING?

As i was logging out of Genshin, an idea came to me.

'Is it possible for me to use Google in here for tutorials?'

I tried it and yes! Yes I can use Google! I immediately searched up 'Genshin beginner guide Inazuma' and started reading them. Oh boy, this is going to be a long day.

Fun Facts:

People who saw you really thought you were crazy because you were smiling to yourself.

Maybe Author can do a chapter about [Name]'s family. She is not really sure ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

There is something about you that you aren't aware, and will be revealed in the next chapters.

Someone may have been watching you... Can't say for sure 🙌

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter!

625 words.

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