The training

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"Here we are coach, Lucas was just showing me some new tactics".

"Alright, join the others" coach Johnson responded.

The rest of the training was so weird: i could feel the diaper between my legs, it felt soft and strangely comfy but also it was really thick, so i couldn't quite bring my legs together and my movement were clumsy.

At a certain point i really had to pee, but i decided to try to hold it till the end of the training so i started squeezing my legs.

James saw me struggling so he approached: "Lucas stop resisting and pee, you wear a diaper for a reason".

"I won't" i said "i can hold my-".

But suddenly my bladder gave out.

"Fuck" i thought.

I looked down and i saw the diaper starting to swollen, now everyone could tell i was wearing one.

"Good job" said James chuckling.

"Ok boys, training is over, go change!" said coach Johnson so we walked to the locker room.

Now the diaper was thicker than ever so my walk looked really awkward.

When we arrived in the locker room, everyone started taking off the uniform, so did i, but when it was time to take off the diaper, James stopped me.

"Remember what i said? you must not touch your diaper. I'll take it off for you, now lie down".

I gave him an angry look and he responded with a smug smile.

"Go on".

I laid down reluctantly and he started cutting the duct tape and removing the diaper.

"Damn! you really had to pee!" he said while looking at the huge yellow stain on the diaper.

Everyone laughed and i blushed.

He wiped my crotch and, he helped my stand up and then we walked to the showers.

First, my teammates washed me, and then they washed their self.

It was so embarrassing: a bunch of boys soaping me up while i was there standing.

James ran a hand through my wet hair: "We have to fix this hair".

"What's the deal with it?" i said.

"It's too hard to manage, also i don't think this haircut is appropriate for you".

I looked at him confused.

Once we left the showers, James opened my bag, took my clean clothes and started to dress me.

"Damn" i thought "i really have no privacy anymore".

James dressed me in the most childish way: he pulled my socks all the way up, he tucked my t-shirt into my shorts and then he combed my hair all to one side.

I looked ridiculous.

"Time to go Luc! see you tomorrow!".

I rolled my eyes and walked away headed home, then i messed up my hair and thought: "What will await me tomorrow?".

Diapered by my football teamWhere stories live. Discover now