Regression starts

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Once i got into school next day i was kinda stressed.

"Was James serious yesterday?" i thought.

After lessons i took my bag and i walked into the locker room to get ready for the training.

James was already there with the other teammates.

"Hi Lucas, ready to get changed?" James said.

"Is this necessary?" i asked to try to change his mind.

"You know it is. Now lie down or i'll have to make you" he said while raising and hand to remind me of the spanks he gave me yesterday.

While i was getting down i saw him grabbing a light blue bag, it was different from the one he used.

"What's that?" i asked.

"Some stuff you might like" he said chuckling "I equipped myself today".

James and Logan undressed me but when it was time to remove the boxers i felt too uncomfortable, so i grabbed the waistband.

"Lucas, let it go and stay still".

"Please, don't do it James".

"You know i have to" he responded "Logan hold him still".

Logan grabbed my arms and pinned them to the ground, to allow James to remove my boxer easily.

Then he opened the bag and took a diaper and made me look at it.

"Do you like it?" he said "Will you be a good boy and wear it?".

The diaper was not all white like the other, it had Cars pictures on it and a colorful waistband.

"No way i'm gonna wear that" i said "Can't i just wear a white diaper again?".

"You'll wear what i say. I think this diaper is more appropriate for you".

First James slipped the diaper under my butt, he took baby powder from his bag, he put some and  then he taped the diaper tightly.

I looked ridiculous, but at least i was wearing my football pants, so the Cars pictures weren't showing.

"All done Luc! Now let's go".

We went on the field and the coach said to warm up, then the training started.

After a while, coach Johnson said to take a break, so we walked to the locker room to get a refresher.

I grabbed my water bottle but James stopped me: "You aren't drinking from that".

"What do you mean?" i asked.

He opened the blue bag, he took a bottle for babies filled with water.

"I'm not gonna drink from that! You are crazy!".

James gave me a spank on my diapered butt, then he made me lie down on his legs and the pushed the teat of the bottle in my mouth.

"Now drink".

I looked at him with i disgusted face, then i closed my eyes and started suckling on the teat.

I hate to admit it but it actually felt quite good even though water tasted a little different.

After drinking all of that water i got up and a burp came out, making everyone laugh.

We all walked out the locker room to continue the training.

After a while my stomach began to hurt but i tried to ignore it, until the pain went away and i felt relieved.

At the end we all went back to the locker room to get changed, this means it was the time of removing my diaper.

After making me lie down James untaped my diaper and opened it: "What?! Did you really shit yourself? HAHAHA".

"No i-i didn't" i said.

"What is it then?".

I looked down and i saw a really loaded diaper.

I couldn't believe my eyes: i pooped myself without even noticing!

"Don't worry Luc, we'll get you cleaned up".

First the boys washed me in the shower, then James dressed me, this time he rubbed some baby powder on my crotch before putting my boxers on.

There i was: cleaned and dressed.

I walked out the locker room, glad that this awful time was over and i saw James with a girl.

"Wassup Luc! This is my new girlfriend Olivia".

"Nice to meet you" she said.

She had beautiful strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes and she smelled like vanilla.

While i was walking home i only could think of her.

Damn she was so pretty.

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