6. Petrova Fire

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"You called?" I ask as Damon opens the door for me and I step into the Salvatore's. 

"And you came so eagerly," Damon smirks as I turn back and scoff at him. 

"Your disgusting." I roll my eyes as he laughs. 

"Such a dirty mind, as always." He smirks as I make my way into the living room. I stop at the top of the stairs when I see Rose sitting on the couch. 

"What is my kidnapper doing here?" I snap before turning back to face Damon. 

"She's here to help," Stefan says walking into the room with Elena as she gives me an unconvinced look. I groan and sit down on the couch across from Rose as Damon sits next to me. 

"Before I start you have to understand that I only know what I picked up over the years. I don't know what's true and what's not true, that's the problem with all this vampire crap. But Klaus I know is real." Rose explains to us. 

"Who's that?" I ask confused. 

"He's one of the Originals. He's a legend." Damon explains as I nod along. 

"He's from the first generation of vampires." Stefan continues. 

"Oh like Elijah?" I ask as Rose laughs which angers me. I don't like being laughed at. 

"Elijah is an Easter bunny compared to Klaus. Klaus is the real deal." Rose replies. 

"Klaus is known to be the oldest," Stefan explains. 

"Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in history is coming after Kylie and I?" Elena asks. 

"Wow, we're like celebrities in the vampire world." I joke as Elena gives me an unimpressed look. Not my fault I'm the funny one.  

"I mean if what Rose is saying is true, we're looking at a solid maybe," Damon replies as I scoff. Yeah well, that makes me feel better. 

"Look, Elijah is dead so no one else knows that you two exist," Stefan says reassuringly. 

"Not that you know of." Rose points out. 

"I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction." Stefan says to Elena and I to make us feel better about the whole scenario. "We don't know what's real. He could be some stupid bedtime story."

"He's real! And he doesn't give up." Rose retorts. "If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of him then you're an idiot."

"Ah I'm shaking, you made your point," I say to Rose as she rolls her eyes. Elena gets up and grabs her bag as I follow her out. 

"Where are you going?" Damon asks. 

"School we're late," Elena replies as I give Damon a smile. 

"Can you drop me home on the way? I'm not feeling so great." I ask as we get into the car. 

"Yeah of course."


"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this." Caroline sighs as we make our way to the tomb. I decided I need to figure this whole Klaus thing out for myself since no one can give me a solid answer. My mind keeps going back to what Rose said the other day about a sacrifice. I need to figure out if it's true. 

"Kylie, you know I'm a bad liar." Caroline groans as I roll my eyes. 

"Look Caroline, all you have to do is not mention the minor detail that I'm in the tomb with my desiccating doppelgänger to anyone, specifically Elena and Damon." I shrug as Caroline throws her hands up in annoyance causing me to laugh. She's always been the worst liar. Surprisingly lying comes naturally to me. Not sure if that's a good thing though...

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