2. party! party! party!

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I grab my beer and walk into the forrest annoyed with Elena and Stephans flirting. She want's me to stick with her and be her wing woman but I have to stand there third wheeling feeling like an idiot! I chug down the rest of my beer and turn around when I hear a twig snap. Unlike Elena I'm very good at keeping my cool so when a sexy stranger is leaning against a tree I don't freak.

"Hi there." I grin taking in his attractive features.

"Hey Kath-, I mean um, sorry what's your name?" The guy stutters looking me up and down.

"I don't tell strangers my name." I reply throwing my beer bottle behind me. I see him grin slightly.

"Come on." He pleads standing up straighter.

"I guess you'll just have to find out." I smile cocking my head to the side. He walks up to me and looks me in the eye. I'm transfixed by his beautiful icy blue eyes.

"What's your name?" He asks and before I can even think my name slips out.

"Kylie." I answer and he smile.

"Kylie, I want you to go home, it's not safe here." He tells me and I nod my head agreeing with him. It's not safe here. I go to walk away but he grabs my shoulders and leans down. He plants a soft kiss on my lips but leans out quickly.

"I want you to forget everything that just happened. You came out to get some fresh air and now your going home because your tired. Okay?" He asks me and I nod my head along.

"Bye Kylie." He says and he disappears quickly. I look around trying to find him. Wait what am I looking for? I suddenly feel really tired and I decide to head home. Usually I love to live a party out so it's pretty weird to go home but as much as I want to stay I know I have to leave because it's not safe.


"Hello brother." I smile looking at Stephans shocked expression.

"The crow is a bit much don't you think?" Stephan complains and I can tell he is uncomfortable. Perfect.

"Wait till you see what I can do with the fog." I grin rummaging through the papers on his desk.

"When did you get here?" Stephan asks looking annoyed.

"Well, I couldn't miss your first day of school." I laugh at his face.

"Your hair is different. I like it." I tell him leaning against the wall with a big grin.

"It's been 15 years Damon." Stephan states like I don't already know.

"Thank god. I couldn't take another day of the nineties. That horrible grudge look didn't suit you." I smirk as he rolls his eyes.

"Why are you here?" Stephan asks raising his voice a little.

"I miss my little brother." I pout looking at him sadly.

"You hate small towns, it's boring. Nothing for you to do." Stephan says trying to piece together why I'm here.

"I've managed to keep myself busy." I reply walking around his room.

"You know you left that girl alive tonight. That's very clumsy of you." Stephan says as I look through his drawers.

"That could be a problem for you." I say grinning at him whilst leaning against his desk.

"Why are you here!" Stephan asks raising his voice even more.

"I could ask you the same question however I'm sure it could be summed up in three little words. The gilbert twins." I answer smirking at him causing him to glare harshly at me.

"They took my breath away. They are both dead ringers for Katherine, especially Kylie. Is it working Stephan? Being around them, being in their world. Does it make you feel alive?" I ask him knowing he is getting really pissed off.

"Elena is not Katherine." Stephan says surely causing me to chuckle a little.

"No, but Kylie certainly could be. When I saw her I mistook her for Katherine, they are almost identical. Kylies sexier though." I smirk as his face grows angry.

"Damon you need to stay away from them." He says being all defencive.

"What? So you get the best of both. Reminds me of someone." I reply referring to Katherine.

"Just leave them alone Damon." Stephan says as he goes to walk out.

"We'll see." I reply getting on his last nerve.

Hey everyone!

Aww so cute! Damon and Kylies first kiss! 

Damon actually cares so much and it's just adorable.

Till next time x

The Gilbert Twins - Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now