11. halloween

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"And I thought my outfit was slutty." Elena says as we walk into the schools annual halloween party.

"Don't worry lil sis I'll always be sexier." I grin walking away and heading for the food table.

"Kylie, sexy sailer. Nice." Tyler says walking up next to me.

"I put the sexy in sailor." I grin drowning my drink and looking around. God this is a bore already. I haven't spoken to Damon in days. He obviously didn't have a reason for killing that guy and he really pissed me off, so I decided not to talk to him until he is the bigger person.

I spot Stefan rushing outside through the back exit and I decide to follow him. As I make my way around the corner he leads me to the bus area. When I get there their is quite the scene in front of me. Elena is lying in a pile of wooden crates, Stefan is restraining Vicki, and Jeremy is lying on the ground panting.

"What the hell!" I shout heading towards Elena to help her up. Suddenly Vicki pushes Stefan off her and runs away near the buses.

"Get inside!" Stefan yells rushing after Vicki. I have no clue what's going on but I decide it's probably best to do what Stefan says. I grab Elena pulling her along with me whilst Jeremy holds open the door but I am suddenly yanked back. I feel something sharp make contact with my neck and I scream as an instinct. I try to push whoever it is away but suddenly whoever it is stops. I turn around to see Vicki hunched over with a wooden stick through her chest.

"Oh my god." I mumble crouching down to her. Suddenly she turns gray with weird veins all over her. Jeremy is next to Vicki crying and I have no idea what to think. What the hell just happened. I get up and look to Stefan and Elena.

"What the hell was that!" I yell pointing to Vicki. They just stand there not answering me. What is wrong with them? I throw my hands up in the air so frustrated. I have no idea whats going on! I swear no ones telling me anything!

"Kylie." I hear someone say from behind me. I turn around to come face to face with Damon.

"What happened?" He asks looking at my neck with a concerned look. I totally forgot about it. Oh well I'm sure I'll be fine.

"How am I suppose to know! These two aren't telling me anything! Your acting like a crazy person! Vicki bit me and now she looks weird as hell!" I scream at him so over everything right now.

"Kylie, I already told you. I'm a vampire." Damon replies calmly trying to keep his cool. I just scoff shaking my head and walking backwards.

"I can't believe your still going with that! Can't anyone just act normal! Tell me the freakin' truth!" I yell with all the strength I can muster up.

I turn on my heel trying to act strong but now my adrenaline rush is over I feel really dizzy. I can hear everyone calling for me to come back but I can't focus. I try to keep walking strong but the dizziness takes over. I begin to faint but I grip onto someones car, keeping me upright. Damon comes over and is in my face within a matter of seconds. I don't even have time to question it because everything blurs. I begin loosing my grips but someone catches me. Then it all went black.

Hey everyone!

Drama, drama, drama!

Sorry for the short chapters but I'll try to update more often.

Till next time x

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