12. processing...

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I groan waking up slowly to a throbbing in my head. I open my eyes and realize I'm not in my own room. Again. Suddenly what happened last night comes flooding back to me. I honestly have no clue what to think. Vicki bit me, then someone stabbed her, then I'm pretty sure she died, and then no one would tell me anything so I ran away, then I collapsed. Just another day in the life.

I look around and realize I'm in Damon's room. I'm not sure whats wrong with Stefan, Damon, and Elena but I think maybe they're part of a cult or something.

I decide it's probably best to run before they kill me like Vicki. I could run straight through the front door but they're probably waiting for me. I settle for the window.

Unfortunately I'm still in my sexy sailor outfit from the night before which really shows Vickis bite mark. I open the window slowly so I don't make any loud noises. God it's like I'm in a horror movie or something.

I let out a deep breath once it's open and begin to inch myself onto the roof. It sort of slopes downwards so once I'm fully outside I slowly inch myself foot by foot down the roof.

Oh my god my heart is like beating out of it's chest. I'm not afraid of heights or anything but this is some pretty dangerous stuff.

I make it to the edge in one piece but I have to jump. I think it's a good idea to jump and run considering they are probably in the living room thing right near the door. I pray quickly hoping this isn't how I die. God that would be embarrassing.

3. 2. 1. I hit the ground quite lightly actually. I didn't even make a sound! I turn around to come face to face with the one and only. Damon Salvatore.

"F**ck." I whisper slightly but he just grins.

"What the hell were you doing?" He asks looking to where I jumped from. I take this moment that he is distracted to knee him where the sun doesn't shine. I don't even take a second before I sprint past him. I spot Elena/my car in the driveway so I quickly yank open the door and jump in. I start driving faster than I've ever driven in my entire life. I don't even know where I'm heading but I know I need to get away.

Obviously I end up at the mystic grill. Yeah, yeah I know what you're thinking. My Jesus this girl is an alcoholic. But cut me some slack! I've had a rough day. No week. Actually I'm just gonna settle for decade. I've had a pretty shitty decade.

I sit down at the bar thanking the lord Matt isn't on duty because then he wouldn't serve me. After about an hour I'm to gone to drink another shot. Calling me drunk would be the understatement of the year. I make my way out of the bar surprised I didn't fall over and kill myself.


"Kylie!" I yell out when I see her making her way out of the grill. Stephan, Elena and I have been looking for her for almost an hour.

"What the hell was that! I've been looking everywhere for you." I raise my voice trying to show her I'm pissed off. She hit and ran! Not that it hurt.

"What so you can kill me?" She slurs waving her hands in the air like a lunatic. I try not to show it but this hurts. I know she won't see me the same.

"Your drunk." I state bending down to pick her up bridal style.

"Well I'm certainly not sober." She mumbles leaning her head against my chest. Even though she's totally wasted she still looks so beautiful. I can't help but admire her as I vamp speed to the boarding house.

"Jeez Salvatore where do you workout?" Kylie asks hoping out of my arms and stumbling into the house.

"Kylie, are you okay?" I hear a concerned Elena ask from inside.

"No I'm not okay!" Kylie screams and I vamp speed over to see what's going on. Kylie is sitting on the couch and Elena and Stephan are looking over her worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Elena asks sitting on the coffee table acting like a therapist.

"I honestly can't remember. But I know I'm suppose to be mad at you for something." Kylie snaps back causing me to laugh.

"Damon I can't believe you let her get like this." Elena snaps at me looking really mad.

"Hey it wasn't me! This one's a wild one." I say pointing to her and Kylie just bursts out into laughter.

"Well... should we just tell her?" Stephan asks crossing his arms and nodding to Kylie.

"Good thinking brother. She'll probably take it better drunk." I shrug sitting next to her. Kylie turns to me and smiles.

"So Kylie... I'm a vampire." I say for like the hundredth time. She just nods not fazed at all.

"Yeah I know you told me." She shrugs leaning back into the couch.

"But I'm not kidding." I continue slightly confused with what's going on in her mind.

"Good." She replies casually acting abnormally casual. I turn to Stephan and Elena with raised eyebrows. This seems to be going pretty well.

"Kylie, do you need to process this?" Stephan asks and I just scoff. He thinks he so.... I don't even know how to put it. He just really annoys me.

"Nah." She says standing up and stumbling a little. I subconsciously vamp speed towards her and hold her upright. Her eyes just widen as she stares at me like I'm an alien.

"What the fu-" She begins but she just collapses in my arms.

"I think she's processing." I joke picking her up bridal style but Elena just scoffs.

"It's probably the alcohol." Elena says pacing back and forth like a crazy woman. I take Kylie up to my room and lay her down in my bed. I sit there just looking at her. She's so beautiful. I love everything about her. Every thing she does even if it's stupid. Even everything she says makes me laugh on the inside. I'm falling for this girl. I'm falling hard.

Hey everyone!

I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it took so long to update but I had not wifi.

I honestly have no idea what's going with wattpad and everyone posting messages and stressing so... yer...

Thanks for all the votes from you lovelies! It means a lot.

Till next time x

The Gilbert Twins - Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now