Cute (smut)

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It was 3am in the fucking morning. I couldn't sleep. My mind was just filled with so much, my brain wouldn't let me rest. I hate nights like these.

I lie in my room, my eyes are wide open as I look up at the ceiling. Giving up on trying to sleep, I get up. I walk over to the kitchen, walking past Ghost's and Konig's room. Ghost is snoring so loud. I chuckle softly to myself.

I yawn as I get water out the fridge. Yesterday was insane. I was training with Konig, physical combat, when suddenly I had him pinned. I don't know how I even know how I managed to pin that huge man down, but I did. And when I did, my knee touched a certain part between his thighs, and he whimpered.

I remember how he whimpered. Softly and a bit high pitched, and when he did, he looked up at me with large eyes, almost as if he wanted more. But then I lost focus, causing him to overpower me. Then I lost.

Konig is so sweet. He always laughs softly at any joke I make, he always checks up on me, he can NEVER keep eye contact with me and he's always staring at me. He tries to be subtle about it, but I always catch him.

I smile to myself thinking about him as I pour some water in a glass. I walk over and sit on a chair at the table, slowly drinking.

Suddenly, I hear a noise behind me. I quickly look behind me and there, standing in the doorway, is Konig. He's too large to even fit in the whole doorframe. He has to bend down to get through.

He waves, as he makes his way to me, sitting on the chair next to me.

"What are you doing up so late, hm?" he says sleepily, gazing at me with curiosity. "I can't sleep, Konig." I whisper to him, smiling. I sigh as I take another sip of my water, he watches me closely.

"I just gave up trying to, so I made myself a cup of water." he sighs and then chuckles softly.

"Ah, that's too bad. I woke up just now, when you got up." he pauses, thinking.

"I had a dream." he says, looking down at me.

"Oh really? What did you dream about?" I say, taking another sip of water as I shift in my chair.

Konig looks down, fidgeting with his fingers nervously, before slowly looking back up at me.

"Hm.. I don't know if I should tell you.." he says, avoiding eye contact. "Its okay Konig, you can tell me." I say, leaning in to him.

He hesitates, looking away and breathing heavily. "Well you were in it." he pauses. Then continues.

"And you were in my room, and we were lying together in my bed when, y-you got on top of me." he swallows, trying to continue.

"You got undressed, then I got undressed... And then.." he looks away, covering his mouth with his hand.

"And then...?" I ask. He looks back at me.

"And then we fucked." he looks down, still fidgeting with his fingers. I blush. We had sex in his dream???

I clear my throat as I put my hand on his, to stop his fidgeting. He looks up at me.

"Did you like it?" I ask softly. He nods his head.

"Y-ya... I did. I loved it, actually. The way you were on top of me was s-so good." he says, leaning in to me, looking deep into my eyes.

I think for a moment, smirking to myself before saying.

"Why don't we recreate that dream?" Konig doesn't say anything, he just sits there in shock, before nodding slowly.

"I would love that" he says.

So, I take his hand and lead him to my bedroom, quietly. As I close the door, I pull him by his collar and kiss him passionately. He gasps softly, before wrapping his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

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