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It was a Friday afternoon. I had just finished training with Soap and was ready to take it easy, and relax.

This whole week has been really hectic. We were ambushed by enemy soldiers. Apparently, they aren't even real soldiers. They run a drug cartel in an area that we've been before, where we destroyed most of their product.

Thankfully, no one was murdered in the ambush. But it was still terrifying as fuck. Ghost was saying how he knew something like that would happen, and now we had to move our camp away from this area to somewhere isolated.

Everyone agreed. We're moving in a few days. Hopefully we don't get another ambush.

"Hey, you okay?" Soap said interrupting my thoughts. I snap back to reality and look back at him. "Oh yeah sorry, just thinking."

He looks at me for a few seconds before sighing. "Ambush got you spooked, did it?" he asked. I look away and chuckle softly.

"I geuss, but nothing to worry about. We're all alright so that's something good, isn't it?" Soap keeps quiet and nods his head. "Yeah... Say, why don't we go get a drink? I'm tired from this week, and I'm sure you are too." he says cheerfully. I smile at him softly.

"Thats nice, but I'm okay. Thank you, Soap."

"Hm. Alright, suit yourself. Bye then!" he says walking off. I yawn suddenly. I really am tired, but I don't need a drink right now. I need to sleep. I walk over to my room in our large house. It's a shame we're leaving this place for good. Everyone is out by the river enjoying beers and whatnot. I sit down on my bed in my room. I close my eyes as I lie down. I struggle to sleep for a few minutes before I finally begin to doze off.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps. I sit up. The person is walking all around the house like they're looking for something. It's probably someone just getting in bed like I am. I lie back down, thinking nothing of it. That's when the footsteps come near to me. The person stands at my door, trying to open it. It's locked. I sigh and get up. "Who's there? Konig? Is that you?" I say walking to my door and getting a key. The person doesn't respond, but I hear shuffling. I furrow my brows. "Soap? Are you messing with me?" No response.

I decide not to unlock the door, just in case. "Okay this isnt funny. Who are you?!" Still no response. I'm about to just go back to bed when suddenly the door is flung wide open, breaking. I gasp and see a man I've never seen before standing in the doorway. Before I react, he punches me in my jaw, causing me to fall back. He the grabs me by my throat and chokes me. I gasp desperately, trying to scream, trying to fight back but I can't. He continues to choke me until I black out.

I wake up slowly, thinking it was just a bad dream, but then I look around. I'm tied to a chair in a room with no windows and no furniture. Just a door. Suddenly, a man comes in. Then another, then another.

"Ah, you're finally awake." he says, smiling. I look around, scared and confused as to where I am. "Don't even try to escape, bitch. You can't. It's impossible." The second man says. I look up at them.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I ask, terrified.

"We ask the questions here, y/n." Says the first man again. What the fuck? How does he know my name? He smiles even more. His teeth are yellow and his gums look like they've been bleeding. I notice each man in the room is wearing heavy gear, topped off with a gun each. I really can't leave, can I?

"We ambushed your little camp a few days ago, but we were quickly defeated. So, we decided that a loud and obvious attack wouldn't be the best way to bring your squad down... And that's why you're here." the first man says, walking closer to me and kneeling down.

"Tell me, y/n. What plans of attack does your squad have on us?"

I scrunch up my face. "I don't know who you are." I respond coldly. The third man scoffs and says in a low voice. "Dont fuckin' lie to us. You know exactly who we are." He's the most intimidating. I don't look at him as I repeat. "I don't know who you guys are, so sorry. I can't give you any useful information."

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