Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Are you upset with me?" Lamia asked Joe, trying not to gawk at him but she couldn't help it the man was fine.

He turned out exactly as she imagined he would.

"I'm more upset with your parents, it was wrong of them to do that to you," Joe answered with a frown on his face. "Does he treat you good?" He asked.

"Who?" Lamia replied.

"Your husband," Joe said.

"I'm a widow now," Lamia told him, not answering Joe's question.

Her avoiding the question told him everything he needed to know. If he ever comes across her parents it's on sight.

"Sorry for your loss," He said.

"Yeah," She said.

"You know I searched the whole city for you, I ain't never seen you. Where you have been hidin', Lamia?" He asked her.

"He moved me out of the state," She answered, before taking a sip of her water. "We lived in London and Samoa for a bit then Hawaii once the boys got scouted for sports," She told him.

"They made sure we wouldn't be able to find you," He said.

"We?" She asked.

"My family and I, Lamia, looked for you for a whole year before everyone concluded you didn't want to be found," He revealed to her.

Lamia was shocked.

"What?!" She asked, surprised.

"Don't act surprised, Lamia, you knew my family loves you," He replied.

"Not to that point," She said.

"Well, they do," He said before looking over at his mother talking to Laramie and holding Lay in her arms. "I didn't think my parents would be alive to see their great-grandchildren and now they have three of them," He commented with a smile as he brushed a hand over his beard.

"You know I wanted to tell you the moment I found out but my parents ambushed me and wouldn't let me leave the house," She told him.

"I don't blame you, I know you must have been scared," He said.

"Terrified. I was locked in my room for weeks then suddenly, I was in a wedding dress being told I was getting married, then on a plane to London within twenty-four hours," She said.

Joe shook his head.

"Your family was sick for doing that to you, and why didn't Kamoria say anything? We would have helped you," He said.

"She was going through her own thing, but they had an arranged marriage for her too," She said.

"What did she go through for them to marry her off?" He asked her.

"Kamoria was against them for what they did to me, she suffered a lot of abuse from them," She answered.

Joe felt sick.

"Is she okay? Where she is?" He asked.

"She is now, her husband died a few years ago, she remarried and she's been traveling the world since then with her husband and son," She tells him.

"That's good," He said.

"Yeah, at least one of us got a happy ending," She said.

Before Joe could say anything, Lamia heard a familiar voice behind her. She turned around to see Joseph, the youngest Fatu, standing there.

"Sefa!" Lamia exclaimed as she jumped up from her seat to hug him. "Oh my Gosh, you're huge now," She said, looking at him.

"I told you I would grow up to be this big so I could protect you, Mia," Joseph said.

Lamia used to babysit Joseph when he was younger. He was probably the only one who had a small clue about what was going on in her house so he would always tell her that he would grow up and protect her from her parents.

"Yes, you did," She said, smiling.

Joe looked between them, confused.

"Why would you need to protect her?" Joe asked Joseph.

Joseph looked at Lamia before answering.

"When Lamia used to babysit me, I would see bruises on her, so I told her that I would grow big and strong to protect her from whoever was harming her," Joseph explains to Joe.

Joe's face went blank. How could he have missed the signs that something was wrong at her house?

"Don't blame yourself, Joe, I hid it pretty well," She said as she could tell he was about to start blaming himself for the abuse she endeared back then.

"I should have seen the signs," Joe said, frowning.

"You can't see what someone was hiding," She told him.

"But Sefa saw it," Joe said.

Lamia sighed.

"It's in the past now," She said, wanting to move on from her horrible childhood.

"Yeah, the past," Joe said while thinking about ways to murder her parents.

Joseph shakes his head as he knows Joe is not going to let go and his cousin may end up behind bars for harming Lamia's parents if he ever runs into them.

"He still has feelings for you," Joseph whispered to Lamia.

"No way," She said.

"I'm telling you, he does," Joseph said.

Lamia looks at Joe. Did he still have feelings for her? Even after all these years apart.

"Mommy!" Liara screams as she runs over to Lamia.

"Yes, baby," Lamia said as she picked up her youngest daughter.

"Can I have candy?" Liara asked her mother.

"No ma'am, you're going have a sugar rush and start causing chaos if you have candy," Lamia answered, knowing how her daughter gets once she has sugar in her system.

Joe and Joseph laugh.

"What? Not true," Liara said, pouting.

"Girl, go play before I put you down for a nap," Lamia declared, placing her daughter back down to the ground.

Liara pouted.

"No fair," Liara said, walking away.

Joe and Joseph chuckled.

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