Chapter 6: Roman Grant

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I don't know why, but Gabriella's freaked out. I'm not exactly concerned about it. I just think that she needs to calm down a little. She's overthinking everything that's happening, and that can't be healthy. It causes her to have unnecessary stress. 

I know she knows my real name, and in the MC world that means a lot, but her circumstances were different. She was in a bad situation and needed comfort. Saying that my name is "Carbon" wouldn't have been a smart way to focus and center her. 

She didn't care much about Rubble or Slasher, but it just felt right at the moment to tell her my real name, not road name. I would have done the same thing if it were someone else who was in the situation she was in when we met. My only intention as of right now is to take her out to lunch and get to know her better. 

I mean, yeah, she's fucking gorgeous and I want to fuck the shit out of her and she makes me feel shit I haven't felt in a long time, but that doesn't mean I'm planning my whole future out with her or anything.

Some men in the MC have known since the second they laid eyes on their Old Ladies but Gabby and I are only getting to know each other. I don't need to know right now. She doesn't need to know right now. 

Why would we have to? I only want to spend time with her and learn every single thought that crosses that beautiful mind of hers. That's not asking a lot out of the relationship we have right now, is it?

"Do you wanna go on my bike or would you rather drive?" I ask her casually to not put pressure on her to answer either way.

She can do whatever the fuck she wants.

"I ride on your motorcycle with you," she confesses with a bright smile that sends my heart into a frenzy.

She's so fucking gorgeous I could die.

She talks to one of her coworkers, making sure she's good to take off for lunch. Of course with my standing behind her, the person Gabby's working with doesn't mind. They seem nice enough, so I think they would have been cool with it whether or not I was here, but I think my presence was a push to say yes. 

She takes a moment to grab her jacket and purse before taking hold of my hand and dragging me out into the parking lot. I intertwine my fingers with hers and smile down at our clasped hands. I'm so fucking cheesy, what the hell? I have to be better than this. 

She's just so cute and soft and gentle. And it makes me feel good that she feels comfortable enough to take my hand. It's such a nice feeling to know someone you like and someone you feel you could care about feels safe around you. 

My whole goal in life is to make others feel safe, and for it to be so natural with Gabby makes me so happy.

I place the extra helmet I keep on the back of my bike on top of her head and watch as she struggles to get the fabric threaded through the metal pieces correctly. Not wanting to make her feel dependent, I get myself ready for the ride and observe her for a little more time before asking if she wants help. 

She glances up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes, and I can barely stop myself from going weak in the knees. I don't think that I've ever been this nervous before. Besides public speaking which I literally cannot fucking stand, being around Gabby and knowing that she's trusting me on my motorcycle makes me feel so fucking anxious. 

Butterflies flap furiously in my stomach as I tenderly reach below her chin and tighter the helmet on her head. She nods her head and when I'm satisfied with the way the helmet fits, I finally get onto the bike.

As she wraps her arms around my waist, for a second, I can barely breathe. Her spicy and sweet cinnamon perfume sends goosebumps down my arms, and her palms laying on my stomach make my brain freeze. Her inner thighs press against my lower hips, her chest rising and falling pushing my back, and her soft voice speaking in excitement has me completely spiraling. 

I think I'm losing my goddamn mind. I have never fucking felt this way about anyone on my bike before. I've had women ride on the back of my motorcycle before, I mean, why wouldn't I? It's fun riding with a partner, but this is something entirely different. 

I'm both insanely concentrated because I know that Gabby's trusting me to keep her safe and protected but I'm also trying to remember how to breathe and think. It's such a weird feeling. I'm not used to having such complicated reactions and emotions toward one person. 

I'm sort of used to one reaction and one reaction only. I'm a bit confused about everything Gabby is bringing up for me.

"Ready, little dove?"

"Heck yes, I'm ready," she exclaims.

She's so cute. She didn't even say "hell."

The motorcycle jolts forward as I press on the gas, and her arms tighten around my waist, her body pressing more into mine. I'm not going to complain though, there's nothing to complain about. 

I drive us to the edge of the city, but in a safe area, which is about twenty minutes from where she works, and it's not like anyone from Devil's Rose MC is going to be there, so she doesn't feel uncomfortable or under any pressure. 

I know it can be overwhelming to meet a bunch of new people especially when not knowing the person you're initially with. I don't want the bar to become a place where she's being put in difficult situations, so I thought it would be best to avoid the bar and go somewhere else.

Once I park the motorcycle, she swings her leg over the back of it and gets off like a pro. Her blue dress with white flowers swishes as she walks in front of me, her cute yellow handbag hanging off her shoulder. 

I reach over her head to grab the door from her hands, having had to take a few bigger steps to catch up with her. She's hungry, that much I can tell, and she's excited to finally be eating. I wave hi to the waiter behind the desk, asking her if it's okay to sit anywhere. 

I've come here a few times, so I sort of know the drill, but I don't want to assume anything. Gabby picks a corner spot, beaming while she takes a seat in the booth. I hand her one of the menus that I picked up at the diner door before taking my place across from her. 

We don't speak much as we look through the menu, only me asking her when she has to be back at work. Though she replied, she didn't seem that concerned about getting back on time.

"Will your boss care?" I question, my eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"No, not really. Technically, I'm good for the rest of the day since I was only filling in for someone else. I just finished their shift, so I'm free."

"Oh, well, good to know. Then, we can take our time."

"I would like that," she flirts, her eyes glinting with mischief and intensity.

I like when she's looking at me like that.

It makes me want to bend her over this table and fuck her hard. It would be just rough enough. Enough to make her squirm in frustration and pleasure but not enough to actually cause her to be in any pain. I'm not too rough when it comes to sex. 

I like control, but I don't like using my control to hurt someone else even if they want it. I do enough harm to people with the job that I do. I prefer a more laid-back and gentle approach when it comes to sex, and for me, that's not anything to be ashamed of. We all have our preferences, and that's mine.

When the waiter comes over to take our orders, we order Belgian waffles, hash browns, and two vanilla milkshakes. I observe Gabby as she goes digging through her purse to find her ringing phone. 

The waves of annoyance radiate off of her when she sees who it is, but that doesn't stop her from answering. I'm not mad that she picked up the phone while I'm here, waiting to talk with her, I'm mad that she still feels like she has to pick up the phone even though the person calling her most definitely annoys that shit out of her. 

I bet it's family. That's probably where the obligation to pick up the phone comes from. I'm grateful I don't have that type of relationship with my family. 

I love my two older brothers, younger sister, and my moms. We've always supported each other, and I'm excited to see them when I go to my brother's wedding in two months. I already know that's going to be a party. His fianceé and he are perfect.

I want what they have someday. They fight and disagree with one another sometimes, but they work through it and come out stronger. I love that about them.

Carbon: Devil's Rose #8Where stories live. Discover now