Chapter 23: Gabriella Jordan

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Two Months Later:

"Gabriella, I love you more than anything, and I never want to hurt your feelings, but I am going to need you to pick up the pace, my love."

"Carbon, we are two hours early to our flight, we're already through security, and our gate is less than fifty steps away. We're fine," I retort, rolling my eyes.

"I cannot miss this flight."

"We aren't missing this flight."

We've been in a car together for the last six hours because we had to drive all the way from Westmoor to Austin. In Texas, there aren't any closer airports than the Austin airport with a direct flight to San Francisco because we're going to Napa for Roman's brother's wedding. 

We've been dating for two months, so it makes sense that I'm going. However, I thought I knew a lot about this man, but I swear that I'm learning a whole different side of him. He's mostly a laid-back, chill guy who takes everything as it comes. That's not who he is when he's traveling. 

Our flight is at eight pm tonight. That was not my choice, but it is his brother's wedding, so I let him dictate what he wanted to do. We got up at five in the morning to leave his apartment by six to get to the airport early. The drive is only six hours on the open road. 

The whole drive is desert and nothing. Traffic doesn't exist, especially on a random Sunday in the middle of August. Then, we have about an extra seven hours before our flight with nothing to do and all of our luggage.

The last four hours have been a blur. I don't even know what we did. Then, we get to the airport three hours early and get through security in thirty minutes because as I mentioned, it's a random Sunday in the middle of August. 

Anyway, so here we are, having to wait another two and a half hours, now stuck in an airport with nothing to do. And when I say nothing, I mean nothing. He's also bossing me around to walk faster to a gate that will not disappear in the next two hours. 

He can see the gate from where we are standing, and he still wants to walk over, see that it exists, and walk away. Then, at eight, we're boarding this flight to then arrive in San Francisco at midnight. 

Right after we land, he wants us to get in a rental car and drive to Napa. It's only an hour on Google Maps, but we have to get through San Francisco which means the drive is actually going to be three hours.

I love this man more than anything, but he's driving me up the wall. My plan would be, if this were my trip, to drive up to Austin, Texas a day before the flight. Spend a relaxing, chill evening hanging out in Austin, and have nice rest in a hotel close to the airport. 

Book a midday flight, so we have time to get breakfast and not have to rush. Be on the plane by two, arrive in San Francisco around six, get a nice dinner, and relax for a couple of hours, maybe go for a nice walk around the city. 

Then, get back in the car and drive the last leg a little sleep deprived but not dying and able to get through traffic without killing each other. What's worse about this whole situation is that my idea was an option. 

He has the money to do it, the flights were there, and so was the whole rest of the plan. But no, we have to suffer through this traveling experience all because he wants his parents' dog faster. This whole experience is legitimized by the fact that his parents' dog, Rosco, is getting older, and he wants as much time with him as he can get. 

I was so played. 

The dog is only three years old. I didn't know this until I called his sister, Camilla, and questioned her about it. The consequence of his actions is dealing with me because if I'm hungry or tired or frustrated, he knows how terrible I am to deal with.

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