Notice re-edited.

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Hello magicians

Firstly I gave you two choices of taking this book down or taking the magic part down.

But as you all have sentiments attached to this book I have too! It is my first ever book alas but now that all of you feel that this story is good as it is so I will give you another option too.

First too options are either I will take this book down completely or just take the powers and magic part out of it.

And the third option is that this story and everything will remain same but don't expect next parts of it from me. It will remain an incomplete story.

Because I feel like this book is not up to the mark well atleast not in the starting because a 15 year old immature person wrote it back than and now that I have started reading some good real books my taste has improved and I am trying to improve my writing style.

And also I want to get this book published someday in reality with few changes a polished story and than I  will write next parts too, in maybe 5-10 years So you all can maybe in future purchase it !

So till than you all tell me should I just change the things I want to ( I want to take down the element of powers down and other things the drama the revenge everything will be same and the few chapters in the beginning that are cliche will remain the same only the magic element will be gone!)

Or take down the book completely?

Or should this book remain as it is and also incomplete now the choice is yours.

-Ramandeep Kaur ❤️

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