It's okay. NM(1)

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Hey there! What happened? Why are you not studying? Do you not want to do something in life? Lazing around won't get bread in your house. You need to earn. And to earn you need to become something.

It is okay if you feel down. It is okay if you feel sad. It is okay if you are infatuated by someone. It is totally normal. These things are a part of life. Well more like obstacles. And obstacles are meant to be overcome. Why are you underestimating yourself ? You are way more.
You are worth it💯
After flying high in the sky all day, the bird still has to come down to the ground to rest. Just think of the downs as 'rest'. A rest from happiness. We won't value happiness if we experience it all the time. Happiness is rare, that is why it's valuable.

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