You still have time NM(5)

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Hey love, i think you whiled away your time and are regretting it now. It's okay, you can restart. So what if you get less marks this time? You have to learn from your mistake and not repeat it again.

We give up our hobbies sometimes, maybe due to study pressure or maybe due to some other factors. It's alright, you can pick those hobbies up again. You can set your goals once again. It's not the end of your life until your heart stops beating. We all have heard of the rhyme 'incy wincy spider' when we were children. The spider kept climbing up the spout no matter how many times it fell.

You still have time, do as much as you can. Life is too short. You never know if you are going to inhale another breath after exhaling one. Life is very uncertain. Try to cherish it in the best way you can.

Don't let go off of the things that you like and the people that are there for you.

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