Infatuations. NM(2)

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Infatuations are really common in teenage. Everybody gets attracted to someone or the other at a point. But what exactly matters is that you don't let it take over you.
Teenage love is the purest and most naive love. And you don't want to waste it on someone who is not worth it. And you don't know who is worth and and who is not in this age. So give all that love to your dreams and your studies.

The person you're attracted to does not even care about it. He/she might make fun of you if you tell them. Some things are meant to be kept.
You are worth it and you need to stop wasting time thinking about random girls/guys. It won't help you. It will distract you from your studies.
It is okay if you have a crush, just don't let it take control of you. Keep it in your heart. The more you tell your friends about him/her, the more you'll think about him/her.

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