two; heart broken

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I don't even remember how I got home. I have no recollection of the walk or if I strolled past someone. I might as well have stepped into the road and been hit by a car, that's how much I wasn't paying attention.

My eyes stung painfully. I've never experienced heartbreak before in my life. I've heard of it, read about it in books and seen it on TV. But no one can prepare you for this backlash of agonising pain.

He was with someone else. He was being intimate with someone else.

I clench my eyes shut, trying my hardest not to let the image invade my brain but it's too late. It'll always be there and I won't be able to unsee it. Tattooed into my mind forever.

My heart thumps against my ribcage. Mate bond. Mate bond. What's the fucking point if we're not going to wait for each other in the long run?

Maybe I'm the stupid one for saving myself. I know fullwell what werewolves are like but I didn't think I'd end up in a situation like this. I thought we would magically be strolling through the park at the same time.

This... this is a new level of pain. A new level of insecurity I thought I had a hold on and now I feel like a complete sack of shit. I'll never be able to compete, how can I when I'm inexperienced with sex, relationships. All of it.

By the time I get home later that night, my mind is completely numb. Along with my body. I've gone through every single emotion possible and now I feel nothing. Absolutely nothing but worthless, empty, hollow.

I walk through our gated community, not bothering to greet the guards. I can't even meet their eyes. I don't want to. I don't want anyone to see me like this. I want nothing more than to crawl into bed and cover myself with the sheets. Hide from the world because this cannot be happening to me. Somehow it must be a dream and I'll wake up tomorrow.

When I walk up the steps to our side of the pack house, I keep my head low and shoot up the stairs. People are still up but they don't converse with me, not when I scurry away. Just as I reach my bedroom, head hung low to the floor, I hear a voice behind me.


Viola. My sister. I knew she'd be waiting up for me because she knew going to this sex party would be a bad idea. I should have listened to her and I wouldn't be feeling like this right now.

I pause and raise my head, still facing the door. She can't see my eyes but she knows something is wrong. She's my twin, of course she will be able to sense something inside of me. She always does. I've told her a thousand times she should be a psychic but she said she's only connected to me.

"Nate?" She tries again, her voice getting louder as she gets closer.

My lungs swallow down a breath and I turn to face her. I glance over her mousey brown hair that is tied back in a clip, two strands of fringe falling in front of her face. Those dark eyes are full of concern and worry.

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