forty-four; he's a sexual being

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It's been two days since Milo left my room in an emotional panic.

I haven't heard from him since.

My heart has been breaking more and more with every second that ticks by. What has he been doing this whole time? He hasn't even had the decency to mindlink me back. They've been sending but he's refusing to respond.

Is that because he knows that there is nothing between us now? If he even kissed another guy, there is no way that I could look at him the same. Not after he came to mine and wanted to use my body instead of confiding in me.

I've barely been sleeping or eating. I can't help but think of the worst.

Viola has been keeping to my side but I don't want to talk. There is nothing to talk about. I don't want pity or sympathy right now. I've seen the way Elin and Zade have been exchanging looks as if it's their fault I've been moping around like this.

My mind aches. Why isn't he trying to get in contact with me?

Does that mean this is it? He won't even give me an explanation for what happened. I'm just meant to get on with my life like he didn't come into it and change every aspect of it. Without Milo, I feel like nothing.

Never in my life have I ever experienced what I've experienced with him.

It felt like living. The happiest I have been in my entire existence.

Everything made sense. He made sense.

I need to stop thinking about him. I've been trying to stop thinking about him for the last hour but it's impossible. No matter how hard I try, everything comes floating back to him.

Nothing has ever hurt like this. I think I'd rather take a knife to a heart than this.

At least then the suffering will be over.

It's clear which choice Milo has made.

"Nate," I hear Imogen's voice behind me as I rip my axe from a chunk of wood. My muscles ache but not enough to drown out my mate. I wipe my hand across my forehead and turn to Imogen, catching my breath. "Everett and Reign are here to see you."

My brows crease. "Why?"

She shrugs. "Not sure but they look kind of desperate."

I ignore the way my stomach flips. Of course this is going to be about Milo, probably confirming what I already know. That's why he's avoiding me.

"Alright," I rasp and drop the axe to the floor. I reach down and grab my t-shirt before sliding it over my sweaty body. "Where are they?"

"I told them to wait in the small living room," she says carefully.

I avoid her eye contact because I know she wants to see how I react but I refuse to give her that satisfaction. I'm keeping my face clear of any emotion, especially when I feel like a catastrophe of things inside.

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