Epilogue One

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Two months later

I don't think anyone could prepare me for how exhausting taking on the Alpha title would be. Not that I'd change anything in this world because I love doing what I do, I love becoming a stronger person everyday by leading my fellow pack members to their own successes within themselves and their wolves.

It gives me a thrill to see them thrive. It's my favourite part of being a leader. It's not about the power that it gives me, it's about giving everyone equal opportunities to grow within themselves and be the best they can.

Both Imogen and I have seen amazing improvements with everyone's abilities by changing training priorities and focusing on their weakest skills.

The pack has never been stronger and yet I can't help but think I managed to do this without worrying I wouldn't be good enough for them. All my insecurities went away as soon as I realised how natural the role felt within days.

I never had anything to worry about.

My head focuses down onto the paperwork on my desk, alongside my laptop with new information I've been working on all day. I let Imogen have the day off to spend with Leon. The doctors say he has a few days left and I said she can take as long as she needs. It's not something I want to think about but we will all mourn his loss dearly, especially my father.

A knock at the door stirs me from my thoughts. I clear my throat and glance up. "Come in," I shout before scribbling something down on the paper in front of me.

Milo's beautiful scent wafts into my face as soon as he opens the door. I flick my eyes towards him as he steps inside, a delicate smile on his face and a mug of coffee in the other.

"Hey," I say, my body relaxing at his presence. Not realising how tense my shoulders really were.

I've been shut in here all day and seeing his face makes everything one hundred percent better. "Hey," he moves those blue eyes over my desk before landing on my face. "How is everything going?"

I watch as he kicks the door shut behind him and walks towards me. "It's going," I nod with a deep breath. "I thought you were going out with Viola today?"

"I did," he nods. "But she's busy."

My eyebrows raise, I open my mouth to speak but Milo places the cup in front of me. "I thought you might need this." He says sweetly.

The gesture might be small but it means a lot to me and god, I am tired. I grip his wrist and tug him to my side, pulling him down so I can meet his lips for a delicate kiss. "Thank you," I murmur against him. "That was thoughtful of you."

Milo shrugs like it's nothing. "I'm always thinking of you."

I breathe out through my nose. "I should be done soon and I promise we can spend some quality time together later."

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