twenty-one; bettering myself

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Everett calls for training later in the afternoon as a pack, it's been a little while since he's taken lead because of his focus on Reign. She's taken her own stance with training and wanted to share her skill of archery with us.

Safe to say that some of us–including myself–are absolutely diabolical at it.

An hour before the training, I find Everett in his office sorting through notes from a recent meeting of his. My knuckles brush the door and he smiles at me as I walk in.

"Milo, you good?" He asks before his attention is back on his desk.

I hum and walk further into the room. "Yeah, I just wanted to ask something," I say, my voice becoming quieter on the last couple of words.

Everett glances up again and leans back in the office chair, he tilts his head slowly. "Go on..." he trails off. He's probably expecting the worst.

"So I was thinking," I clear my throat and perch on the edge of one of the chairs opposite the desk. "With the training getting back on track and Fran has been doing a lot with the pack, I was wondering if you'd let me get involved more with training? I know I've been slacking lately and there is no excuse for it. I want to be a better Beta."

My brother blinks as if he's in shock and he finally leans forward to let me know that he's still alive in there. "I'm pleased you feel this way, Milo," he nods. "But I know you've got a lot on and I don't want you to be putting more on your plate than necessary."

I shake my head. "Layla said it would be good for me to start getting more involved, to start exercising, to start freeing my mind a bit more. And I know I've been the world's shittest Beta when I was out partying and not caring but now I do care, I want to make more of an effort."

Everett's eyes light up at my words. "Well, then I'll grant you it. You can help with training today if you wish? Reign always needs a trusty assistant for her archery lessons."

My face twists to a grimace at the last suggestion. "I love Reign but I don't like making an absolute fool out of myself."

He laughs gently. "You and me both. But still, it's good to find new skills, learn new things. I'm glad you feel this way, Milo. I would love for you to be involved more, it would be great for the pack too. We're really coming together this year and I absolutely love it."

The smile on my face begins to ache my cheeks. "So you'll let me help out?"

"Of course," he bows his head. "Obviously in the future it would be better if we went through it more than an hour before the training but I can let this one slide. I can get you to help out where it needs to be, for you to give me feedback on what you think. I'd really appreciate your opinion."

Pride burns in my chest because I know I've been missing out on this for years because I've been too busy getting my dick wet and drinking God knows what concocktion.

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