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Maureen chose to meet Callum at closing time. She knew the area but had looked up Bakersfield on the internet. Many men lied; Maureen had experienced enough dates where men had fake professions. She preferred to verify things herself. Callum said he owned a bakery, and the woman wished to see it.

Maureen observed the bakery storefront. The window and brand sign were inviting. She entered, and the bakery was more significant than expected. The counter was very long. Someone took out the pastries and placed them in boxes.

"I'll deliver the hostel if you like, Keisha," Maureen heard before crossing Keisha, who wiped another side of the counter.

Keisha looked up, and Irene nodded in Maureen's direction. Keisha went to greet her, "I'm sorry, but we're closed," she said, pointing at the closing sign behind Maureen.

Maureen smiled. "I'm waiting for someone."

"I don't think that person is here."

"Does Callum work here?"

Maureen's hair seemed to sway at every word she pronounced. Though soft-spoken, Keisha heard the undertone of directiveness that made her eye Maureen from head to toe.

A plain Black RL polo, boot cut jeans, an authentic Marcie small saddle bag, Just un clou bracelet; the woman didn't play in the minimum wage arena. Maureen toned the outfit down with the Samba sneakers.

"I'll go and get him," Irene said.

"No, I'll do it," Keisha interjected and returned her gaze to Maureen, "who should I announce?"

"Maureen," she replied in a half-baked, friendly, yet condescending tone that tapped into Keisha's system.

The sales lady went upstairs and knocked on Callum's office door. " Callum, there's someone here for you."

Keisha barely saw Callum that day. His lunch lasted a couple of hours. He went home to shower again and grab the clothes he wished to wear for his date. He convinced himself a thirty minutes nap wouldn't do any harm and ended up sleeping four hours. He wouldn't have woken up if Pebbles hadn't started to bark.

Callum took his shower and returned to the bakery feeling even more exhausted than when he left.

"You should have stayed at home. We would have held shop." Liz's words did nothing for the man who felt guilty for being late but also for his long lunch.

He forgot he worked more than the bakers in the area, who usually called it a day at noon. Callum stayed, he liked to see how the bakery sold the products, but also, he had nothing else to do. He didn't know how to spend time out of his kitchen. Most of the time, he created and tested new recipes.

Many believed Callum could become famous and pushed him to enter competitions and contests of all sorts. His baguette and bread had already won the Best Flour and Breadies awards three years in a row. Still, the man remained modest and focused on making cakes.

There as Keisha knocked, Callum drew the design of the pastry Adele inspired. Smells, countries, and people, the baker found inspiration everywhere.

He imagined the flavors his inspiration evoked. Adele made him think of Cayenne peppers. Callum was unable to handle anything spicy. Like the peppers, Adele was too hot to handle. Callum decided to use Cayenne Pepper powder as the secret to a chocolate cake recipe. He had encountered a similar product during his voyage in South America and thought he could make his version for his customers. He liked adding a few limited editions to his catalog every season.

Some customers only came for his originals. The sales compensated for some losses.



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