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Thandie hadn't dreamt in ages, or at least she remembered none of her rêveries.

Why did this dream cling to her memory?

And why did it have to be a dream involving this man?

Her date with Cole was a day away, but it wasn't of his chocolate abs that Thandie dreamt of but the baker, the only man she didn't desire.

Why didn't she want him again?

Thandie nailed her theory to the fact he was white, yet she didn't feel uncomfortable holding Callum's hand and kissing him in her fantasy. Oh Lord, no, no, she wasn't like that. She wasn't attracted to caucasian men. They seemed weak and indecisive, like Callum. The only ones with a hint of charisma were in movies, but they role-played. Thandie doubted these actors were anything as seductive as the characters. Their last encounter wasn't the most pleasant. 

How come? How could she dream of him? Thought Thandie.

She was part of the black love team. She never swirled, and she wasn't going to start then. She told Thiane she wasn't biased and refused to admit she had biased ponderings like every living being.

As far as love went, she needed a man capable of holding her down. Callum couldn't; Thandie closed her eyes. Oh yes, he could hold her in more ways than she wished to admit, but the sticky sensation between her thighs betrayed her emotions.

It seemed she wasn't too old for a good old wet dream. Her body still withheld the heat. Thandie didn't feel shameful but guilty not to accept even then that Callum didn't leave her indifferent. Thandie put her unacknowledged desires on account of the proximity of their households, her everyday passage by his bakery, and the fact they matched on Oppo.

Why did the app match them?

Thandie picked up her phone. It blinked with Oppo's red light.

Did Cole send another message?

No, he didn't; the note was from someone else.

How was it possible? The message was only five minutes old.

What was this synchronicity? Wasn't he sleeping? Thandie thought. She forgot the baker got up at four. The last thought Callum had before he slept was the first when he woke up.

Thandie sat up to read:

This might sound weird if you have our last encounter in mind, but my offer for coffee or an outing of your choice still stands. My appreciation of you is more than evident now, and I'd like to leave you a better impression.

Undecisive? Perhaps Callum wasn't as much as Thandie imagined. When she thought of it, Callum went ahead of himself since Thiane signed her up on Oppo the first day. The man wasn't afraid to show he liked her openly, but he didn't step over the boundary she created; the baker just tried to wedge his way to her.

Thandie sighed to stop a smile from forming. May the person who doesn't appreciate a good chase raise their hands? Thandie couldn't raise a hand or finger; she loved courtship of any form. She would have wished Cole continued texting and wooing her daily for a while before heading for the date line. It wasn't about playing hard to get; it made things more fun.

In Callum's case, Thandie had second thoughts. Actually, the thoughts were there from the beginning; otherwise, she would have banished him from her Oppo trio. It appeared as though she was waiting for some kind of sign. Some might consider her dream as one. There, she began to draw a list:

Callum liked animals. Pets weren't her thing. He was awkward, but he was the hack for communicating with her children. He looked neglected, but he knew how to step up on his appearance, at least for his dates, which meant he was the type only to make an effort when he wanted. He was rather soft-spoken. Thandie couldn't say why, but she felt he was probably part of the listening type. She went on to his profile and looked at his photos. They were very faithful to his appearance. His whole profile screamed, honest bloke, waiting for true love. Callum hadn't pretended or acted any other way since they matched, while Thandie hadn't been the most avenant person. She was even rather spiteful, yet her behavior didn't make Callum wither.

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