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The morning light reflected off the windows, illuminating the once dark room. Carter was still deep in sleep, and I wasn't surprised, this was the first time I'd seen him fully sleep without waking up in harsh sweats or thrashing against the invisible forces in his dreams.

I decided it was safe enough to leave him while I explored our newly found sanctuary; we hadn't seen everyone yet, mainly only the guards. I left a note beside him, I didn't want to wake him, but I took the spare walkie just in case he woke up and worried about where I was. I know he demanded we didn't split up, but my mind had been reeling most the night and I couldn't just sit around.

The courtyard was lively when I made it downstairs, people gathering outside the small building in conversation, children playing football in the court. I couldn't help but think about life before when we didn't have to worry about death.

Death was inevitable, but now it was lurking at every corner. This place was safe, but the real question was, how long would that last.

"Good morning Katie" Andrew broke my thoughts as he stood next to me, handing me a plate of food. The aromas entered my nose making my stomach growl, it was only eggs and beans, but anything other than protein bars was deemed heaven to me.

"Thankyou" I nodded to the man, sitting down at one of the picnic benches, Andrew sat across from me and tucking into his own food "This place is really something" I managed between bites.

"We are building something here; I think you and Carter are good additions" I gave him a sincere smile; Andrew was a good person, and it didn't take a genius to notice that. People like that are hard to come by now. "You have unique skills; most women around here do the household jobs".

My head tilted at his words "You know that's sexist right?" I laughed before finishing my food and leaning back in delight.

"I didn't mean for it to come out that way. But your skills could come in handy protecting this place. You knew you could trust me right?" I nodded "I was a lawyer in a previous life, knowing whether or not the defendant was guilty was the main part of my job, knowing if they deserved the help I could give them. That's why I decide who stays and who goes" Andrew passed me a water bottle that I accepted gracefully.

"You want me to help you right? Deciding who gets to stay" Andrew and I were alike, although our skills were taught in different ways, he was right, most people are easily lied to. They don't know how to look for the littlest changes. Breathing, eye contact, body movements. It was little things that let us know if people are lying, interactions that they don't even realise they are doing.

"I do. Carter isn't like you" I sent him a glare that quickly made him explain his thoughts "Not in a bad way. The boy is strong, he has his demons, but they make him stronger. He is loyal and protective. He would make a good guard, but you. You are the knowledge".

"Ill do it" I nodded. If this place was going to be our home I would do anything to make sure it is safe. "But I have one condition" Andrew gestured with his hand for me to continue "My uncle is still out there, I want to search for him, but we can't do that on foot".

Andrew looked hesitant, we both knew life wasn't guaranteed nor safe and there was a high chance I wouldn't find him, but I had to try. "I'll assign you a vehicle, we have a limited supply of gas because of the generators, so you will have to scavenge that yourself, but I'll give you a startup. I can't send any of my people.." I held my hand up to silence him.

"I don't want your people risking their lives for me, this is my family. I'm happy to do it myself" I gestured my hand to him "We have a deal Andy" he took my shake in a firm grip, his smile never faulting.

I hadn't realised Carter had joined us until his hand squeezed mine underneath the table, his smile catching at the corner of my eye. Andrew left us in silence while Carter starting eating but all I could think about was Matt.

"You should have woken me" Carter smiled softly under the harsh sunlight; he looked lighter. The dark circles that once sat underneath his eyes, now barely visible.

I lent myself over to leave a kiss on his cheek "You looked peaceful. Andy said we could have a vehicle, start looking for Matt properly. Obviously he's my family so you don't have to come if you don't want to".

"I said we aren't splitting up, I meant it. I go where you go" The smile spreading across my face never faulted as he spoke.

We spent the majority of the day relaxing in the courtyard, the normal sound of snarling was replaced by laughter and chatter. Andrew was right about this place; it was a sanctuary.

Carter took his first night shift at the gates of the school while I settled back to our room, it was the first time I'd been alone in weeks and I couldn't relax, let alone sleep.

Instead, I grabbed a notebook and started writing places my uncle could be, if he was looking for me he would hold up somewhere I knew. The first place I noted was home, as much as I didn't want to go there, it would be the most likely place. The farm was a small possibility in case any of the attackers remained, Matt wouldn't risk that.

I wrote down almost every idea until slowly my eyes grew heavy and the darkness took over.


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