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"RUN" My uncles voice sounded over the snarls heading for us, my heart was beating out of my chest as I watched the dead surrounding us from every angle.

"The escalator" I screamed kicking a deceased through the ribcage as his claws reached for me. Matt made it there first, plunging his axe through a dozen skulls in his wake, half the stairs had collapsed so he climbed up first holding his hand out for me to jump. Just as my feet sounded off the ground a bony hand wrapped around my arm, its skin sagging of the bone as it tried to pull me towards its reach. Reacting instantly my knife swung through its eye socket, putting it down for a second time.

"Now" He screamed even louder as the pathway to him slowly started closing my fate. I ducked my head as I pushed through each biter chomping its jaws towards me; I didn't take a breath until I pushed up on my feet and my hand wrapped around his arm. I was dangerously low, and the mob was growing closer. "Don't look down bug, just focus on me" My words couldn't form, I knew with one slip I would be gone so instead I stared into my uncle's eyes.

Matt had one arm bulging against the metal rail of the escalator, the other keeping me away from the impending doom. Within seconds my body was thrown over his own and collapsed against the cool metal of the steps, my lungs slowly gained air again.

My mind slid to Carter, and I pulled the walkie from my pocket. "Where are you?" I managed through shaky breaths as I held the button "Please tell me you are safe".

"I'm outside loading up the car" Relief washed over me when his angelic voice whispered back through the device, but I didn't have time to wait around.

"Get the car started, dead are everywhere".

"Are you crazy? I'm coming in to get you" Matt turned and gave me a disapproving shake; we both knew this was a death trap and before I knew it he took the walkie from my hands.

"I've got her. I'll get her out of here, just get the car ready" I knew Carter wanted to argue, but I also knew my uncle would give his life for me and Carter knew that too, not that I would ever want that, but he would do it in a heartbeat. "We need to go now" he pointed to the herd of dead making their way up the opposite escalator.

We pushed forwards dodging claws at every turn, our legs pacing as our bodies dripped with sweat. They were everywhere we turned, each corner, each exit except one. We were meters away, my hope slowly guiding me to the light until a dozen deadheads cut me off and separated me from Matt.

A wave of dead were between us, and they were all focused on me. "I'll find another way out" I screamed while throwing a knife from my boot into a dead woman's skull, her body falling against her departed friends.

"I'm not leaving you" Matt's face was determined as he tried to fight the herd from behind but we both knew he would barely leave a dent.

"Remember when I told you to trust me. I can do this, go find my boy" he tried to talk again, his lips slightly parted but I knew what he was going to say "Tell me when I'm out" I smiled softly before running back towards the main lobby.

They were everywhere I turned; my calves burning as I circled around the centre, thrashing my knife into any monster that neared too close. All my energy had been drained and I was running on pure adrenaline to keep me alive but even that wouldn't last long.

I was slowly losing hope as I looked into the lifeless eyes following me, I should have followed my gut feeling, it had never been wrong before, why would this time be any different.

From the corner of my eye I noticed a green fire exit sign just above a metal door, but if I ran towards it there was no going back, the dead would surround me with no escape. But this was my last hope, I just had to pray the door would open. My last energy was used on sprinting to the door as fast as my short legs could take me to put enough distance between me and the mob.

My force pushed against the metal bar, but the door stood still, I tried over and over, but the latch wouldn't budge, and I knew this was it. My back pressed against the door as I let a sigh slip; this was my end.

Images of everyone I loved was replaced by the contorted faces growing closer by the second, I closed my eyes to see them clearer because if this was my undoing I wanted them to be the last thing I see, not the monsters that suck the light from the world.

My eyes glued closed as I fell to the floor, arms gripping around me, but I couldn't move. I was frozen.

"Open your eyes baby, I got you" That wasn't a monster.

I opened my eyes to the handsome face I imagined as the dead was growing closer. Carter slammed the door shut after pulling me through the frame and held me in his calming embrace until my panic finally slowed.

"I told you not to come in" I frowned at him; he was never one for following instructions, but in this moment I couldn't have been happier.

"You're lucky I did, otherwise you would be dead" Carter brushed the dishevelled hair that was stuck across my face and left a lingering kiss on my forehead "You are too stubborn for your own good".


"He's outside, I didn't give him a chance to argue when I saw you wasn't with him" Carter wrapped an arm around my waist, supporting my drained body as we left the death trap.

"Told you this place was bad news" I laughed when we reached the car. Matt's eyes brightened when he noticed me, and his large arms crushed me into a hug. "Ouch" I whined when he finally realised me from his grip.

"I love you bug" He smiled before climbing back into the car.

Even though I was physically exhausted I couldn't help but smile at the two boys. A year ago I thought I would be alone in this world for the rest of my being but being with these two made it worth it. They were my lifeline and in this cruel place you needed one.

Carter barely left my side for the rest of the day. The car ride home I snuggled into his side and slept while Matt drove, I didn't even feel him carry me back to our room and lay me in bed. Normally I hated being treated like a baby, but in this moment it felt like heaven.

The moment my eyes finally flickered open it was dark outside, the only thing illuminating our room was the small lantern next to the bed. A thicker blanket was wrapped around me while Carter was sat in the bed beside me, gazing down to me while I stirred. I smiled tiredly, wiping my eyes as he laid opposite me.

"I got you something before we left" his cheeks were rosy, his voice quiet as if he was nervous. Carter reached over to the side and pulled a small velvet bag from his palm, a red ribbon tied around the opening. "I saw it on the way out and it made me think of you".

The bag was placed gently in my hand as he turned his head slightly, I couldn't help but smile at his nervousness; he was always so straight forward but now was different.

Inside was a small silver chain, a charm dangling from the middle in the shape of an arrow. Just like our tattoos and I looked at him with glee, my heart feeling full as I took in his gift.

It's funny how the smallest things can make everything seem better, even after the day we endured and my almost death experience, this small pendant made it all seem worth it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked kisses across his flushed face.

"I love you" I smiled brighter finally connecting our lips.

"I love you too".


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