Don't do this

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"A theme park?" The group crowded around Katie in the living room, each of them staring at her as if she was crazy. "Think about it. Nobody will think to go there, they have fences; high ones and generators".

I was the first to rise to my feet, a small smile written across my face "It's a good idea, I'm in". Katie was smart, it was a good plan and it's the last place anyone would think of.

Matt was second "Me too".

It didn't take long for the group to get on board, all these people wanted was a place to call home and if we had to rebuild it from the ground me would. But we couldn't all travel on foot, that would bring to much attention to us, so we went out looking for vehicles. They would be easy to find, it was finding the gas to keep them running what would be the struggle.

Most of the group stayed behind to watch the children while Matt went with some of the guards; That left two. Me and Katie.

"Guess it's just the two of us" she sent me a small smile, but all I did back was nod. It was like we were strangers again and I hated it, but I couldn't rush this. We both needed time to heal.

A few miles out we found a large white van, it was empty, but the keys were still in the ignition as if someone left in a rush and the fuel tank was emptied. "I'm pretty sure there was a gas station that way" I pointed east and this time she was the one to send a silent nod.

Much to our luck the gas pumps were empty which we expected so we worked our way inside, it was deserted apart from the low growl of a decapitated corpse. Its body was strewn in the middle of the floor, whilst its head was chomping away meters from its body. I watched as Katie's throat retracted as she turned her head in disgust. You never get used to the monstrosities of this world, but I still managed to slam my knife through its eye.

The place was raided, and the only thing left was the sound of our desperation. But still Katie walked out with a huge grin across her face, I didn't know why until she pulled water bottles out with a suspicious tanned liquid filling them. "This is either fuel or piss" she laughed "Dibs not sniffing it, it's all you Lucifer".

We both froze when she called me that, when she first started the name I absolutely hated it, but it grew on me, not because of the name, but the way her face would light up each time she said it. I loved everything about the girl, from the way she could light up any room and the stupid nicknames she gives people just to annoy them.

"Pass it" I gestured with my hands. To my luck the only smell entering my nose was the hair burning scent of petrol "Guess we got lucky" I smiled lightly.

Katie turned so I could put them in her bag. Being near her was almost intoxicating, my head was inches from her neck and all I wanted to do was turn her around to kiss her. I missed her touch, her laughter, her presence. I took longer on purpose to stay close to her, even if I couldn't let myself do more. "You good?" she whispered, twisting her head slightly to see me.

Humming I zipped her pack and held the door open for us to get back to the van, but as I opened the door a figure was sat on the pavement outside. All black from head to toe, whilst the back of his head was hidden by the thick hood of his jacket. Katie realised who it was first, and my heart reacted before my mind; my hand reaching back and latching around hers as she trembled against my touch.

"Katie" Her fathers deep voice echoed, he was stood away, but his voice carried.

My anger was building up, the only thing keeping me from loosing control was the pressure in my fists as I clenched them to my sides.

"Why is he here?" Katie was close to tears, but she was holding it back and that's when I lost it.

Dark red clouded my vision, it was all I saw. This man was the reason we lost everything. We had a home, security, we were happy, and he ruined it all. I could hear Katie's cries when she locked herself in the bathroom, the scream she released when Andy's body dropped to the floor. It was all I heard as my fists collided with his face, over and over until his blood was staining my knuckles.

"Carter stop" Katie cried, but she hadn't physically tried to get me off her father. She stood back rooted to her spot.

"I just want to talk to her" Thomas pleaded from under me, I looked in his eyes, different from hers but the shape the same. Looking in hers made me feel lighter, as if she held everything good in this world whereas his just showed pain. "I left them, my group. I'm trying to change".

My knees retracted from his sides, and I walked over to Katie, but she was already stomping towards the mess on the floor. "Is that supposed to make it okay?".

Thomas stood up spitting blood on the sidewalk as he wiped his bruised mouth with the back of his hand, I didn't feel a touch bad when he groaned in pain. He deserved more, a lot more but that wasn't my decision.

"I can't change what I've done but I can't try to make it better" This man had a nerve after everything, but Katie stood tall, she stopped crying and pulled her gun out.

My heart jumped in my throat when she pointed the end of the gun parallel to his head; I knew if she crossed this line she might never make it back, and I wasn't going to let her do that.

"Katie don't" I inched closer to her, but she was in a trance, and I didn't want to scare her "If you do this you will lose a part of you, he doesn't get to take that too".

"He's right Bub" Thomas added, and I could have shot him myself then and there.

"Don't fucking call me that!" The girl screamed, every inch of her body shaking as she held the gun firmer. She twisted her head slightly to see me, her eyes silently at war between what to do "He took everything from me, I can't let him follow us back".

My fingers flattened against her tear-stained cheeks while my thumb brushed over her freckles, each time I did this I felt her relax under my touch and she did. Her breathing slowed and her hands stopped shaking but she kept the gun pointed straight. "We will figure it out, we always do".

Katie nodded leaning into my touch once more before she raised her arm, pointing the pistol towards the sky and letting a lone bullet pierce the clouds. The sound scattered for smiles, and I knew exactly what she was doing.

"I'd say you have a few minutes before every corpse in this town makes it's way towards you" Katie stared at his weak body before looking back towards me, taking my hand as we walked away from Thomas.

"Don't do this Katie" He pleaded.

"If I see you again I won't hesitate to make sure the next bullet hits you" One last word before we left the coward on the side of the road, and I'd never been prouder of her.


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