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One year later..

Sitting infront of the handmade headstone I sighed, I missed my best friend more than words could put together.

"This place is thriving Mel" I brushed a palm over the soil, hoping I could get closer to her "I wish you were here to see it".

Ever since the night of the attack, we had been in a constant state of anxiety. Wondering if the group would come back and finish what they started, I sat out most nights preparing for the worst but it never came.

I was a mess. A completely broken soul and I barely made it out of the darkness.

"You ready baby" The man I adored stood behind me holding his hand out. I gripped it tightly falling into his arms when he pulled my weight against him.

"Yeah. I'm ready".

We walked in silence, the occasional groan outside the fences but we weren't worried. Golden bulbs were hanging around the main building, brightening up the dim night that was slowly setting, newly planted flowers slowly sprouting in the soil.

The sounds were heaven as we walked into the lobby. Children laughing, people cheering and the sound of glasses clinking against eachother. We were celebrating a year of peace, even though in this world I wasn't sure peace would ever be ensured.

Carter sat us down around a small circular table, his hand never leaving mine as we watched matt hush everybody around him.

"Tonight is about celebration. We made it, we have a safe place to call home" I looked over to Brent who had the same dim smile as me, I knew we were both thinking about the one girl missing "A whole year. We worked our asses off, we built this place up from the ground and we should all he proud of ourselves".

I looked to Carter who's caramel eyes were locked into me, his smile never fading as he rubbed circles around my palm. I wouldn't be here without him, or my family.

"Here's to creating a life" Matt held his cup up, smiling towards me before taking a sip. The group errupted into cheers, a faint song echoing through the room from a small cd player a scout found.

We watched in silence as people danced around the room, happiness written across all their faces and I couldn't help but smile.

"Come with me" Carter was standing above me, a gleam in his eye I hadn't seen for a while. He was nervous.

I followed him across the park until we reached the Ferris wheel, the place where we reconciled. He pulled me to him sitting in the cart as his hands gripped mine, his lip quivering slightly as he tried to find words.

"What are you doing Lucifer?" I sent him a smirk but he rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to thankyou, for saving me Katie. You brought light back into my life when I thought all that existed was darkness" My eyes were burning as I listened to him, never once leaving his eyes "I know we don't know how long we have but I want to spend every moment with you".

Carter reached into his pocket pulling a small handmade gift wrap, I stayed silent watching him. When he pulled the small object out my mouth dropped, my words stuck in ny throat.

A handmade ring. Two pieces of silver wire were wrapped around eachother, a small red gem encased in the middle. It was truly beautiful. "I didnt want to find a normal ring, it didnt seem right. So your uncle helped me with this".

I stared at him in admiration. This boy was so much different from when we first met, the closed shell to now an open book and I couldn't be prouder of him.

"Marry me Katie" His bottom lip wobbled against his nerves, the ring trembling between his fingers.

The answer was clear from the moment he asked but I took a moment to take him in. Breathing in the new world we had created in the darkness that clouded us.


"Yes?" His plump lips parted as he cupped my face.

"Yes. Yes" I leaned forward and kissed every inch of his perfect face "A million times Yes".

Carters lips crashed to mine, his smile breaking through as our mouths moved in sync, we were on cloud nine. Nothing could ruin this moment.

This is what we waited for since the world went to shit. A place where life could grow instead of being out there where all that looms is danger.

We don't know if this place will last or if we can outlive this plague but we had eachother, we had hope and most of all we had light.

The end.

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