War - Part Two

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Surrounded was an understatement.

Black figures enclosed us as we stepped through the gates into the minefield. Two vans parked directly in front of us, whilst the people crowded at each side. We were outnumbered.

We were standing in what was about to be a graveyard.

A tall shadow appeared between the two vans, blocking shadows of the light as he stepped in line with his army. My instant reaction was to look up to Matt, his face was dead set ahead, but his grip still tightened around my hand.

Thomas had a shotgun held at his side whilst the other was waving a silver machete, his face wore a cunning grin as if he was actually enjoying this. Matt tried to launch forwards, but I held my arm out and pushed him back. "It doesn't have to be like this" I shouted to the man who I used to call my blood.

Thomas kept walking until he was a few inches in front of us "Nice to see you again Mathew" Matt didn't say a word, instead he unsheathed his machete and held it to his side "You are right Katie, it didn't have to be like this. But you will see I'm doing this for you".

All my anger was at boiling point, moments away from erupting but I knew if I let him do that to me we may as well make the first shot. "You really convinced yourself what you are doing is good, that you are still the man who raised me" I stepped forward letting go of Matt's grip, this is something I needed to do on my own "The only thing that matters to you is yourself, you are weak, and pathetic. I'm glad mum and Kyle aren't around to see the monster you became".

The back of Thomas's palm connected with my jaw with a harsh slap, but I didn't feel the pain. My body was pure adrenaline, and I was ready to get this over and done with.

"You fucking bastard" Matt tried to launch forward again but I pushed him back.

"You are an ungrateful bitch" he snared at me but still I smiled "All you had to do was join us, and no one had to get hurt" Thomas pulled out a pistol dropping the shotgun to the floor, holding the metal to my head. Matt was screaming war from behind me, but he knew this man wouldn't hesitate.

"You think you can take whatever you want, whoever you want but it doesn't work like that. I would have followed you anywhere before you became this monster" I stepped closer letting the gun dent my skin "I looked up to you, God I wanted to be just like you. Hell even Matt looked up to you, and now look where we are. You would kill your own daughter just to prove to yourself you aren't a worthless piece of shit" Sweat dripped down his face as he stared at me with nothing but pure hatred.

I know what my words did, and I was glad. This wasn't about taking me in anymore, this was about ending me.

"I hope you rot in hell" My hands wrapped around the pistol seconds before he pulled the trigger, a crack piercing the air as his aim was forced towards the night sky. "NOW" I screamed pushing my boot forward, the solid of my heel crushing his abdomen and sending him back with a groan.

The sky around us filled with smoke and inferno as Matt's bombs went off in every direction, I looked to him and we both nodded throwing our bodies behind the parked cars as the air filled with fire. The heat was tolerable, but the smoke crawled into my lungs causing me to gasp for air as the wind grew thick.

Bullets were flying over every inch of our home, the war cries of both sides screaming as they fired against each other.

My body shifted to fight or flight, the pure rage seeping through my bones as I prepared to end this. Swinging the door open I rested the end of my gun against the metal of the broken window, piercing bullets through anyone who neared to close to our home. Every scream and cry as I ended them was pushed to the back of my mind, I couldn't feel bad. If I let myself feel that then winning this war would never be worth it.

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