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I am here looking in the mirror at myself thinking dam I look good. Sharp line up with my goatee finally grown in nice. I feel like a grown man and a great father. No fuck that I am a grown man I can do whatever I want. The name is Mark but everyone call me Mjay, if you don't know me by now then something is wrong. Just kidding!

Looking in the mirror standing tall in this all white suit with dark blue inner piece. Many might think it's prom or something but it's not. It's something more meaningful to two people that Im at right now. I'm in a church dressing room getting myself ready.This is not what I expected that I'll be doing at this age in my life but I think it's time. I grabbed the boque of flowers as I walked out the door feeling fearless. Music started playing and the love songs started to play with a heavy piano. My mom grabbed my hand as the double doors open to a church filled with just close family and friends that know about me. My teeth were showing and I ha smile that stretch beyond the equator. My mom grabbed my hands dressed in the a nice pastel blue dress to match my suit. She looked at me and she said.

Mom: Look at you! I'm so proud of you for being who you are. Baby you are a man now and I never been so proud of you. It's my honor right now to walk to give you away to your one true love. You ready lets walk!

We started walking and I'm looking straight to the alter smiling. Everyone standing looking at me I felt special. Walking to a beat took time but I finally reach with my parents standing behind me. Nate standing in my corner and on the other side Terry and Jason's twin brother. Wait! Wait! Terry and Jason's twin brother! I got to be dreaming here because marriage ain't nothing I want right now.The pastor went through the most of the ceremony then got to exchanging of vows.

Pastor: Do you take Chris your first love your everything to be your husband or is it going to be Jason the one that's shown you nothing but love and truly cares about you.

Chris: Pick me baby! I love you being your husband is all I ever wanted.

Jason: No me mjay I do! I love you!

Me: they started saying all at once and I just screamed saying No!

Jason: Babe wake up!You dreaming! Wake up! you got class soon

Me: Yo that was a crazy dream

Jason: Yea tell me about it when you get out the shower. KJ ready for school and waiting for you.

Wow! Now it just wouldn't be the start of a new journey without my crazy ass dreams. Just like me right? but Here I am again for another journey. I'm now a resident of Oklahoma and I have to say I really like it a lot. Its something new, fresh and I needed it. I do miss the Bahamas and my family but my son his here so I'm good. It's my first day of school and I'm a little excited. Talk about not being ready for the early morning classes.

Jason: you still not in the shower you going be late .

Yea Jason been here with me since a few days after I left. He took some time off from work but he soon have to go back. It's bitter sweet but I love him. Yes I said it I love him and I'm shocked still that I am loving another man. We have been going strong and KJ really warmed up to him.Nate and I have gotten even closer since living here together it's been so great having a str8 best friend. I'm here in the bathroom letting this hot water run on me thinking about my life and how far I've come. Finally getting my brother best friend to notice me and falling love. All that time I was his crush.Going through all the hard times and the good with Chris. The best was yet to come,then I found out I was a father. My life has been a long roller coaster ride but its not over yet but I'm ready for new beginnings. Are you?

Twitter: Writerboy242
Kik: Writerboy242

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