Chapter 26: Ball is Life

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Me: We're they that bad man I said as he started to laugh. He told me to look  at the record but I just went on the  court to shoot around as I told Kane I'd talk to him later. We started playing five on five on the court with  a few of the guys and Nate was on my team of course. Nate and I were just killing these young fellas but the funny thing is the coach was watching us. The coach said ok boys that's enough try outs are about to start. As we were coming off the court Nate and I were just laughing cause we killed them but two white boys were mad. They started to talk a little louder then one said where these niggas come from. Nate and my head turned like a saloon chair. It was on!

Me: What you just say to us white boy

Nate: Yea what you just say to us bruh!! We'll beat your ass and have you  in a hospital bed by this afternoon if you don't back your marshmallow ass off!

White Boy: Go back to Africa or where ever you came from  we don't need you here!

Nate: Nate just charged at them and so did I. We got to them and I started to throw a punch but then Coach and his assistant grabbed me and Nate. At that moment we looked at each other then said we probably going get kicked out of this Gym.

Coach: You know what the penalty is for fighting in school? Do any of you know what's it is? Let's here it?

Me You get suspended or expelled

Coach: Exactly and that's exactly what's going to happen here as he look at all four of us.

Nate: No please we got a scholarship that we on we can't lose that please! Well just leave your GYM and won't come back he said looking down said and disappointed

Me: Yea please don't go through with that! Well just respectfully leave and apologize to everyone here. We just was defending ourselves because what he said was beyond disrespectful.  That was discrimination and I won't stand for that at all!

Coach: I'm not because that was going to be a justified cut ass is how you Bahamians say it right as he looked at our forms then said Marc and Nate. You two can stay and tryout but you two can leave my gym for using that word. We don't discriminate anyone on this team or in this school. Period! Get out of my gym and you won't be returning too play on this team as long as I'm head coach here.

Whiteboy: Fuck your team we don't need it because it's going to suck every year like it always do. You needed us!

Whiteboy2: You know what they say once you go black you never go back!  When he said that I was just floored and wanted to fight again because it was disrespectful.  When I looked I saw Chris and KJ coming in the gym going to take a seat on the bleachers. KJ was just looking and laughing waving at me saying hi daddy

Coach: Security! Export these young men out my gym before I take this to the dean and get them expelled. Wait! They going need  and apology from you two so spill it.

Nate: That's cool we got more class then they ever will have and we're proud of our skin. We from the Bahamas and don't you forget it! They just mad cause they got beat!

The coach kicked them out  of the Gym but not before they could've threaten us one last time. The practice began and I wanted to go hail KJ but we were already running different drills. I wasn't to up to this like Dion but thank God I was working out so Nate and I took it well. He kept shouting at us but they were watching really hard so I don't know if I  was doing good or not. I could only hear Chris mouth saying push through Mjay! Let's go Nate! I was just laughing inside because who even invited him here to watch me play but I guess he said since he had free time.  After about and hour of just doing drills he decided to run teams of fives just to watch us move. Nate and I were on the same team for sure but the others  were actually running neck and neck with us. Time was running down and we were tied. They had the ball so we was running a play to score but as a player was pulling up to shoot he got blocked. I ran down for the fast break lay up as Nate ran to so I passed he lay up. We won!

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