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Authors Note: Sorry for delay! Enjoy! Votes and Comments are greatly appreciated! Also if you haven't read any of my other stories, I'd love you to check them out!

Esteban choked on his drink in surprise at the interruption. "I'm talking with a friend." Esteban clarified and looked apologetically at Rose.

Pierre appeared from behind Rose. Rose made eye contact with Pierre, and she raised a single eyebrow to show her disapproval of what he said.

"Oh Hi Rose." His eyes widened and he slapped his hand against his forehead. "Why do I say the stupidest things around you?" He chuckled. "I'm sorry." He said.

She just sighed and shook her head. "I have to go. I've been away from work for too long, thanks for the chat, Esteban. See you around." She waved and quickly stepped into the bathroom.

As she was finishing in the bathroom, she washed her hands and dried them. Then when she exited the bathroom, Pierre was waiting outside the door.

"Can I steal you for a second?" He said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Something about the look he gave her, made it extremely hard for her to say no. "Just a minute, I really have to get back." She added.

"Okay." He smiled wide. He gently took her hand and led her out the door of the ballroom into a quiet hallway.

"Look, I have to come out and say it. I want to get to know you." He said as his eyes raised from her feet to her eyes. Clearly he liked what he saw.

Rose blushed. "I'm flattered really, but I barely know you. And I'm working all the time." She said.

"You're saying no?" He said as he took a step back, his eyes wide.

"I'm not saying no." She paused and took a breath, "I'm saying not right this minute."

"Can I have your number at least?" He asked.

"Sure." She smiled and took the phone he was handing her.

Rose entered her number and handed it back. "I really do have to get back." Rose said and started to head back into the ballroom.

"I guess I can let you go back to work." He laughed and held out his arm. Rose smiled politely and linked her arm in his and they entered back into the ballroom.

As they entered arm in arm, the door to the mens bathroom opened and out walked Lance. He stopped dead in his tracks, with his eyes widened, he looked from Pierre to Rose. One of his hands clenched and quickly released, he gave Rose a look that she couldn't' quite place. He turned around and walked away.

"He's an odd one." Pierre quipped, as he took Rose's hand from his arm and brought it to his lips. "It was great seeing you again, but just so you know Rose, I won't give up." He winked, as he released her hand.

Rose was now sure she was bright red. She smiled and turned to find Eleanor in the crowded room. She spotted her at their original table. Lance was currently sitting down a seat over from her. She sighed and approached the table.

She sat down quietly trying to just slip into the conversation when she could see Eleanor staring daggers at her. "Met a new friend I see?" Eleanor questioned.

Lance scoffed quietly.

Rose quickly glanced at him then turned her attention to Eleanor.

"Oh you mean Esteban?" Rose said, trying to avoid the subject of Pierre.

Lance turned back to the conversation at the mention of his actual friend.

"Not who I meant." Eleanor answered, giving her a look that resembled one that her mom used to give her when she would avoid a topic. "But Esteban is a good man." She smiled.

Checkmate - [F1 - Pierre Gasly / Lance Stroll]Where stories live. Discover now