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Authors Note: Happy Sunday night! Enjoy! I would love to see if anyone can pick out the Taylor Swift song that inspired this chapter :) Shouldn't be that difficult. 

A chime of Rose's phone, and the screenlight that lit up her entire hotel room in the dark of the night woke her up out of a deep sleep.

Rose rolled over and picked up her cell phone. It was only 9pm but she had been in bed at 8pm, absolutely exhausted. She had spent the entire race day following, more like running after Eleanor around the paddock. The amount of work that lady got done in a day was staggering. Rose's notebook was chalk full of all the tasks and things she would have to take care of next race weekend in Hungary. The nerves were already starting to fire in her stomach at the thought of the responsibility. Rose's attention turned to her phone.

Pierre - Hey, I'd love to see you tonight.

Rose - I'm in bed... It was a long day. I don't have afterparty energy in me. Sorry about your race result.

Pierre - Thanks for saying that, and that's why I'm having a low key night. I'm at a dive bar. Come join me in the back 😉

Rose thought about her response. She sighed... and the thought of Pierre's lips on hers made her get out of bed.

Rose - Fine, you convinced me... Plus after a DNF I think you need a drinking buddy 😉

She quickly got dressed into a pair of high-waisted light washed denim wide leg jeans with a silky white tank top. She put back on some of her makeup, and brushed her wavy strawberry blonde hair. She grabbed her purse and went to her door.

Rose opened it hesitantly and looked both ways down the hall, to make sure she didn't run into Eleanor. She didn't feel like getting a talking to on her way out the door. Even running into Mr. Stroll would be an awkward situation.

The coast was clear and she quickly slinked out to the elevator. She was about to hit the button, when the chime rang out in the quiet hallway and the doors opened.

Esteban and Lance were standing there. Esteban smiled, but Lance's face fell when they made eye contact.

"Hey Rose, where are you going?" Esteban asked cheerily.

"Uh..." Rose stammered, "to see a friend," she said. Rose didn't need Lance squealing on her to Eleanor about her night time galavanting. Rose had never explicitly asked what was expected of her during race weekends, since Chloe was the one who got her out of the hotel room the first race weekend. The two men exited the elevator.

"A friend?" Lance questioned. His face was cold, as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yup," Rose said with a pop. As she rocked back and forth on her heels and looked out the corner eye, to avoid the studying look Lance was giving her.

"Oh have fun!" Esteban said, as he probably was none the wiser. He was too nice to suspect that Rose was lying.

"Thanks, Estie Bestie," Rose laughed.

Esteban laughed. Lance's glare hardened.

"You're not curious who she's going to see?" Lance asked Esteban.

"Why would you even care, aren't I just a little brat?" Rose remarked with a smirk.

"True," Lance sneered, pursed his lips and nodded.

"Besides, don't you two have an afterparty to go to... lot's of girls waiting to dance close to your table?" Rose joked.

They both let out a short laugh and shook their heads.

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