Chapter 4

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-Yudhishthir's pov-

"When did you find the body?" I asked Alex as I bent down to take a close look at the body of one of our men.

"Two hours before." He answered and continued," I called you but your PA informed me that you were in a meeting."

I took gloves from one of the men standing there and wore them. With the help of a plucker I pulled out the bullet from the dead body which was fired in its heart. Both ears of the body were missing. The killer felt like a psychopath to me. I mean if he killed the person why did he take away the ears? He should have taken away any organ , which he could have sold and earned lots of money.

"He was one of the most trusted men of mine. David was his name." Alex said and pinched the bridge of his nose ,"Can't believe he's gone."

"Where was he allotted?" I asked.

"I asked him to guard the university secretly and notice any suspicious activity or person." Alex told me.

I stood up and dusted my hands.

"I don't understand why the killer took away the ears,? It's intriguing. " Alex said.

"Did you check the place thoroughly?"

"Yes, two kilometres around the body from every direction. We checked. We found nothing. His ears are gone. He has been missing since yesterday. Our team tracked his phone and I found him here in the forest near the university. Dead." Alex answered me.

The mystery of ears being missing was puzzling me a lot. I looked at the dead body of David. Were the ears cut before he was murdered or after? Was he tortured? Who was behind the murder? Someone related to university?

"What do you think Alex , The Haunters could be behind the murder?"

"Dont know." He only said these two words. I know he was disturbed because of the murder. We were in danger, someone was keeping an eye on us. Our every move was being watched. Harris , David's partner , who was guarding the university with him came running towards us ," Sir , I found this box behind the bushes, there."

He was huffing.

"Can't be possible. I myself checked every inch of this place. Nothing was there and no one came here since we were present." Alex said in disbelief.

I took the box from Harris's hands and opened it. The next thing that I saw inside it took my surprise and anger to the next level. My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. I took out the earrings from the box and held them.

They were Ruhi's.

Same, which she had worn on the day of our engagement. I remember. I noticed them that day. I tightly clasped them in my fingers and closed my eyes. Alex came near me and took the earrings in his hands. He examined them and I shouted at our men.

"Someone was here. And might be here now. Check the place and search every corner of it. Dont let them escape. If he escaped I swear I will cut your ears and feed them to dogs infont of you."

There were seven people including us. I and Alex stood near David's body while others searched the place.

How did the killer get Ruhi's earrings? He was surely at the party or someone close to him was at party. Or else there was no way Ruhi's earrings would have reached him or her. Any servant might also be involved.

"With these earrings the killer is depicting ears. And these earrings belong to Ruhi. Right?" Alex asked.

I nodded and he continued," His next target is Ruhi, Yudhishthir."

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