Chapter 44

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An early update. I could not stop myself from posting this chapter. You all know that the vote target is 800+ and lots of comments.

One more thing I wanted to clear is this that Suhana is not Abhay's partner. She is his cousin sister. So yeah, don't ship them together. ❤️

     Y U D H I S H T H I R

'I love you Yudhishthir. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't. I love you a lot. You are my life, my everything. You are my heart.' Those words echoed in my mind and felt like killing myself. The drive from the hotel to the mansion was only half an hour but it took me more than two hours to reach back. I glanced at Ruhi, who was peacefully sleeping in the passenger seat after snatching away my harmony.

I am not sure whether she will remember about her confession tomorrow or not but what I know is that I will not be able to forget it ever in my life. I took a deep breath and opened the passenger seat. After picking her up in my arms I went to our room.

"What did you get late?" I was surprised to see Ishani standing near our room's door. I gave her a questioning gaze and she pushed the door open. After settling Ruhi under the sheets, I went outside to meet Ishani.

"What happened?"

"I wanted to talk about something." She folded her arms over her chest and I eyed her to continue further ," Yudhishthir I think something is off with Riddhima." I nodded because I knew Abhay was not at all happy with the alliance. He was trying to hide his emotions but was failing miserably.

"And I also know that he agreed to marry Riddhima just for you. So that your position can be secured. Just listen, don't Ruin your brother's future."

"I didn't force him. He was the one who met Karan uncle and said yes to the alliance." I glared at her. I had asked Abhay to consider his decision. I didn't even disclose about the proposal with him, he found about it himself. Ishani nodded and turned back to go but again turned and asked me ,"Where is Kamya? That girl you found on the road. Ruhi told me."

"Mind your own business." I closed the door and sat down on the couch. Ruhi cannot hide anything from Ishani and ends up telling her, then Ishani ends up asking me. After taking a deep breath I glanced at Ruhi, who was sleeping soundly after selling the horses. After her confession she started running here and there while shouting ,'I love you Yudhishthir'
'I love you Yudhishthir'

And it was very difficult to catch her. Thankfully no one was there. I never forced Abhay to say yes because I also faced the same situation but in my case Ruhi was innocent but here I am not sure about Riddhima. She is something different.

Life is totally unexpected. I got married to someone I never expected to get married to but still I understood that it's all destiny and Ruhi is not at all bad. But now she did something which I was not expecting. She fell in love with me. Which she was not supposed to. I had warned her to not fall in love with me.

Because I won't be able to return the favour back to her. I wish she would have not confessed. It would have been better because now I will start ruining her intentionally, which I never wanted to. I'll aim her heart and corrupt it with sadness and hollowness. I will destroy her completely. Everything was fine till that moment, I wish I could go and reverse it.

We were happy.

"Good morning Husband." I rolled my eyes and held her arm to pull her out of the bed. Ruhi groaned as I made her sit on the couch and she held her head in her palm. "It's painful." She complained and I passed her a glass of water with medicine.

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