Chapter 37

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Here's the chapter and for the next chapter I need almost 40+comments on this one.
Excluding those "update please" ones 😗.

Happy reading.


I was sitting in front of Robin in my basement. He looked pathetic, his clothes torn, body covered with scratches and marks of torture. But still he was adamant to not answer me.

"Get me the injection." I decided to use the final option left with me. Abhay nodded and filled the injection with a drug and passed it to me.

Robin smirked when I checked the syringe. I rolled my eyes and next second Robin hissed as I jabbed the syringe on his neck and slowly he started losing his senses.

I stood up and jerked him up while holding his collar and Abhay threw water on his face. His eyes were closed but he groaned. I slapped his face hard and Abhay looked at me bewildered,
"Bhai that one was hard." His hand made its way towards his cheek and continued,"How can I forget that thunder slap?" 

A few years ago I found that Abhay was doing drugs. He was in the UK at that time when I paid him a surprise visit.

"I didn't even look at drugs after that and forgot about touching them." His hand was still on his cheek. I checked Robin's pulse and was about to slap him again when Abhay interfered ,"A sec please."

He looked horrified and he turned his face to the other side, not ready to witness the scene unfolding in front of him. He is afraid of my slaps. It looked like he didn't forget those slaps he received that day.

I pulled Robin's hair making him groan again and asked him in a low tone ,"Since when are you following my wife."

He tried speaking something and stopped again. I jerked him a little and he unconsciously stammered ,"Five months."

"Who asked you to follow her?" I asked him again.

"I... Don't"

I slapped him and asked ,"Tell me or I will kill you brutally."

"Leave it, Is Romeo involved in all this?" I pulled his hair harshly and he answered ,"He..was but..."


"Fight..Livianna.. No.." He only managed to speak those words. I was able to conclude that they had some sort of fight which led to the breaking of their deals and ties.

"Who killed Neon?"
I asked him further. His conscious mind was sleeping because of the drug's effect and he was answering me subconsciously.

"Him an...d Livi...anna."

"Who is this him?" Abhay tightly held Robin's arms and was listening to everything with interest.


"Whose father?" I asked him and Abhay squinted his eyes in confusion.

"Father..... and son.... university ...... Friend." His head dropped down and I stood up from my seat. Abhay left him and dusted his clothes and said ,"Bhai I feel like..."

"Like what?"

"We should read Raj mamu's diary." I shot him a look and he licked his lower lip. "That man deserved to die Abhay." I hissed at him and he took a few steps back.

"After Raj mamu's death Romeo started growing. Don't you think that he killed Raj mamu." I know who killed him and what I don't know is where his son is.

"No, Romeo didn't kill Raj mamu." I rolled my sleeves and splashed the water on my face and continued,"Dad killed him."

A thick silence envolped the basement and Abhay stumbled backwards,"No." That was all he managed to utter. Dad killed his own brother-in-law and Abhay was in shock after listening the truth.

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