Evil Tony Stark

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Your worst nightmare was coming true, you stood in front of Tony with your hands bound together and tape over your mouth.
He sat in a leather chair in front of your, smiling.

"You know, it took me a long time to get you back, sweetheart. The team really keep you close, don't they? I know you've gotten pretty close to Steve and Bucky too." He said as he stood up and came closer to you, he reached up and gently took the tape off your mouth and ran his thumb over your lips.

"You've missed me, haven't you? You can tell me over and over how much you hate me but I know, deep down you've missed me. Missed obeying me, missed my praises and missed my touch." He whispered as he ran his hand over your cheek.

"I don't fucking miss you." You growled as he chuckled.

"You can deny it all you want, my love. But, I know you better than you know yourself. I also know how badly you want to go onto your knees and beg for my forgiveness. Does my little puppet feel like begging?" He asked as you felt tears forming in your eyes.
You hated that he was right, but it wasn't because you loved him it was because he was so good at manipulation he had trained your mind to barely survive without him.
But, you'd worked so hard with the team, especially with Bucky, Steve and Bruce.

"Maybe I do, but it's only because of how much you fucking broke me." You growled as he chuckled softly.

"Well, how about I give you two options, my love. Either, you be my good little girl and I won't punish you, or you continue to act like the brat Bucky and Steve turned you into and I do what I did when you tried to run away. You remember that, don't you?" He asked as your jaw clenched and you tried to push the awful traumatic memories out of your mind.

"They'll find me." You whispered making him chuckle again, he leaned forward and kissed your cheek softly.

"It's nice you still have some hope, that's what I loved about you. No matter how much I had to punish you, there was always some light left inside. I've missed you so much, baby. Why don't we have some alone time before I have to punish you again? Don't you miss the feeling I'd give you?" He whispered before you headbutted him, his men grabbed you and dragged you away from him.
He looked at you and chuckled dryly.

"Fiesty, aren't you? We can fix that." He growled as you glared at him.

"They'll fucking find me!" You screamed before one of his men knocked you out cold.


The next time you awoke you found yourself in a large room, your hand restrained to the bed head.
You groaned and looked around the room, surely the team would be able to find you, but you weren't even sure where you were.
The door opened and you looked up to see Tony entering with a tray filled with food.

"Now, are you ready to behave, my love? Because if not you're going to starve." He said as you looked at him and thought for a moment, you knew the team would eventually find you, so it was probably a good idea to play along to avoid Tony's wrath.

"Yes." You whispered as he came over, you sat up and he placed the tray over your lap.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. Yes, what?" He said gently playing with your hair.

"Yes, sir. I'm ready to behave." You replied making him smile with satisfaction.

"There's a good girl. I knew you'd make the right decision, now eat up, puppy. We have a big day ahead, once you're done get changed into one of the dresses in the closet." He said as you looked at him and nodded.

"I'll see you soon, love." He said before kissing your forehead and leaving you alone again.
You were glad he had left you, you didn't want him to see how hungry you were.
You finished eating and found very feminine dresses in the closet, it was to be expected, Tony liked to show you off and basically treat you like a doll.
Once you were done you came out of your room and made your way down the large hall of the mansion.
You knew Tony would be in his office, like usual.
When you arrived you knocked on the door and opened it to see Tony sitting in his chair, his eyes lit up when he saw you in one of the dresses he had picked out.

"Look at you, don't you just look beautiful?" He said as you looked at him with dead eyes.

"Come on, sweetheart. I know this is a lot for your little brain to process but you know it's so much better when you behave for me. Don't you want a reward?" He asked, your mind wandered to Steve and Bucky, you knew you just had to play along and they would come save you soon enough.
You wished you could save yourself...but, after Tony had broken you so many times you were nowhere near strong enough to escape.
Tony patted his lap and you slowly approached him before straddling his legs and sitting on his lap.
His hands went onto your thighs under your dress and he smiled.

"See? It's so much better when I'm gentle with you, isn't it? I don't like getting angry, baby. But, sometimes you give me no choice." He whispered as you looked at him and nodded softly.

"I know... I'm sorry." You whispered, knowing it was best to just act submissive for him.

"I missed you, darling. I've missed you so so much, I tried my hardest to forget you and move on to other girls... But, no one is as good as you, baby." He whispered as he reached up and held your face in his hand.

"We need to make up for lost time, don't we?" He asked in a whisper as he caressed your thighs.
You knew what was about to happen, and you knew that it was best to just keep acting.
Tony pulled your forward and was about to kiss you before you heard gunshot.
Tony quickly leapt up and sat you back in the chair.

"Stay here and do not move!" He demanded as you nodded and watched him leave quickly.
You were thankful you didn't have to go through having sex with him again.
You sat in the chair as you heard gunshots and yelling outside, you were afraid but maybe it was the team finally coming to rescue you.
The door swung open and you looked up in fear.
Your face changed when you saw it was Steve, you jumped out of the chair and ran up and hugged him tightly.
He lifted you into his arms and held you tightly.

"Oh thank God, Y/N." He whispered as he held you.

"I was so scared." You whispered before Steve put you back down.

"I know, angel. We're going to get you out of here." He replied as you nodded and held onto his hand.

"Stay close to me, okay?"


You sat in the back of a car, panting and holding a cloth over your bleeding arm.
You were the one with the least amount of injuries, but thankfully everyone was alive.
Bucky got in the car beside you and you smiled, resting your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry we took so long, doll." He whispered, wrapping his arm around you.
You closed your eyes and relaxed onto him.

"It's okay... I missed you so much, all of you." You whispered as you felt Bucky kiss you on the forehead.

"We've got you, doll. He's never going to touch you again."

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