Zemo - Bathtubs And Coffee

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You sat in a bathtub with a large window overlooking New York City while you sighed and relaxed into the water.
You felt like you could fall asleep right there and then, but you didn't exactly want to drown. You heard the front door open and smiled a little, knowing it would be your husband.

"I'm in here, love!" You called out, it went silent until the door opened and you saw two men with guns pointed at you.
You looked at them and rolled your eyes.
You stood up in front of them, completely naked and dripping with water.

"Can I help you?" You asked as they awkwardly looked away.
They took of their masks and you smiled, realising who they were.

"Well, if it isn't the winter soldier and captain America. In the flesh. You know Baron actually gave me a pass to fuck you guys." You said as they continued to look away, making you laugh.
You stepped out of the bath and wrapped a towel around your body.

"I'm just kidding, Zemo would rather bomb the entire city then let anyone else have me." You continued as they lowered their weapons.

"So, Zemo is living in New York? Our Intel was right." Bucky said as you looked at him unamused.

"He's not exactly in hiding, he's paid for his crimes. So, mind telling me why you broke into our home?" You asked before you dropped the towel and grabbed your bathrobe and wrapped it around yourself.

"We got Intel that he was back in town and had something to do with a human trafficking case." Steve said as you rolled your eyes again.

"Come sit down and have coffee while we talk." You said walking out of the bathroom and letting them follow you.
They sat down at the dining table and you began preparing coffees.

"I can garentee the Intel you got is false. My husband isn't a monster that would trade human lives. Maybe he did terrible things in the past but we all have." You said bringing over two cups of coffee for the soldiers.

"How can you be sure?" Bucky asked as you sat down across from them.

"Because he helps take down human trafficking activity now. He wanted to make up for what he'd done so now he works with a group of other ex-criminals to take down things like human trafficking, drug trades and many others." You explained as they looked at you, not fully convinced.

"How do you know he's not lying? Do you ever see him do all of this?" Steve asked making you chuckle softly.

"We've been married for two years now and I met him four years ago. I was being trafficked, I was about to live a life of complete and utter hell and Baron saved me. He took down the men that had taken me and assaulted me, he let me kill some of them. After that he couldn't let me go and I didn't want him to. I know it's hard to believe when you saw him at his worst, but people can change." You replied as they looked at you, their eyes softening a little.

"I guess we jumped to conclusions." Bucky muttered before you heard the front door open.
You saw Zemo entering and his eyes landed on you then to the two super soldiers.

"What on earth?" He muttered as you stood up and kissed him on the cheek.

"It's okay, they aren't here to hurt us. They had Intel that you were apart of a criminal gang, but I explained everything too them." You explained as he looked down at you.
He reached up and held your face in his hand and kissed your softly before he looked down to notice you only had a bathrobe on.

"My love, please get changed I don't want these men seeing you naked." He whispered making you chuckle.

"Well, they barged in on me while I was in the bath tub so they've already seen everything." You replied as Baron's eyes widened.
He smiled and shook his head, laughing a little.

"You're truly not afraid of anything are you? But, please go get changed, my love otherwise I might have to take you on the counter right here right now." He whispered into your ear making you laughed softly.
You kissed his cheek again before running off to your room.
Zemo placed his bag down and looked at the two soldiers.

"You two sure are affectionate, huh?" Bucky muttered as Zemo sat down and looked at them.

"We aren't here to discuss my wife, we're here to discuss the fact that you barged into my home, saw my wife naked and accused me of crimes." Zemo growled as the two soldiers looked away with guilt.

"We weren't aware you had a wife, we heard you were in town and we had photos of you at the scene of many crimes." Steve explained making Zemo sigh.

"I was undercover, a lot of criminals know me and they don't know I've gone clean. So, I use that to take down as many gangs as I can." Zemo said as they both nodded.
You emerged in pjs and a robe over you before you came back and sat on Zemo's lap, kissing him softly.
He chuckled and kissed you back as the two soldiers stood up.

"Well, we should leave you both. And we're sorry again for barging in." Steve apologised as you smiled and looked at them.

"It was nice meeting you both." You said as they smiled in return.

"I guess we'll see you around and if you ever need backup don't hesitate to ask." Steve offered as Zemo nodded to them.

"Thank you, gentlemen." He replied before they both left.
You moved so you were straddling Zemo's legs and kissed him deeply.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, my love." He whispered, resting his hands on your hips.

"It's okay, they were actually really nice. I missed you." You whispered, kissing his lips again as he smiled.

"I missed you too, my love. How about I make it up to you?" He asked as you chuckled softly.

"I think that's an excellent idea, darling."

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