Umbrella - Chapter 4

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Umbrellas always seemed funny to Y/N. Just think about it; a small piece of fabric to act as a portable roof. You use them to protect you against the rain, but also shield you from the sun? Well, they were made to shade you from the sun, but then became affiliated with rain more so. They do both. How funny. Aren't hats just wearable umbrellas then? Or are umbrellas holdable hats? And then some people hate them, and others refuse to go outside without one. Why have an umbrella when you have a coat? But then, why have a coat if you have an umbrella? Is it an aesthetic thing?

Monika - "You okay there, Y/N?"

Y/N's deep intellectual thinking was cut off by Monika, who was looking at him quizzically. Y/N took out one of his earplugs and looked to her.

Y/N - "Yup, all good. Just thinking."

Monika - "Oh, I didn't notice you had earplugs in."

Y/N - "Yeah, I can get overstimulated by loud noises sometimes. Kinda fuzzes up my head a bit, so I put these bad boys in and we're good."

Monika nods understandingly, seemingly making a mental note at this fact. 

Y/N - "I promise it's not because I don't wanna talk to you or anything."

Monika - "Ahaha, I'd hope not! It's alright, I don't mind. So long as you're all okay."

Y/N - "Are you dry and everything?"

Monika - "I'm fine, but I can't help but notice your shoulder is soaked."

It was true, Y/N had been sacrificing his right shoulder to keep Monika fully out of the rain. Probably not the best move to make her sick, considering she was the club president, one of the most popular girls at school, very nice and pretty and a potential friend.

Y/N - Eh, I've got the other one."

Monika giggles at Y/N's comment, but moves her hand onto his to push the umbrella over him a little more. Her hands were very warm and soft, delicately wrapping around his own. Y/N let her move it, noticing that her left arm was now slightly getting caught by the rain. 

Y/N - "You could move in a little closer too, if you want."

Monika - "Mm, good idea."

Monika closes the gap between the two of them, now full on brushing shoulders with Y/N as they walked. They were both dry under the umbrella, but the physical touch was admittedly distracting.

After a short walk, Y/N stopped, turning to his abode.

Y/N - "Here she is, in all her glory."

Barely being able to look through the rain, the girls looked upon Y/N's house. It was a humble structure; one story tall, much longer and wider than taller, with a slanted tiled roof. Outside was a small garden, which looked well-tended to, with a small tree growing around the hedges and flowers.

Y/N - "I'll go check everything's reasonable, hold on."

Y/N dashes out from under the umbrella, unlocking his door and peaking in. After a second, he ducks back out again, beckoning the girls over. One by one, they filed through the entrance, shivering slightly from the rain.

Y/N - "Put your coats up just here, shoes wherever. Can I get anyone anything? Towels, maybe?"

The girls all mutter in agreement, leaving Y/N to head off to collect some. Upon taking off their coats, they looked around the place. Y/N's house was mostly the one room; a reasonably large living room, with a sofa, coffee table and mounted TV adorned with plant pots, an ovular dining table behind it, a connected kitchen area with countertop, fridge, stove and cupboards, a door to a bathroom and a door to a bedroom. Despite the house being reasonably small, it felt very open and spacious, and the rain gently pattering against the windows made the house feel much warmer and cosier than it already was.

Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Monika x Male ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat